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Changing Over To Jr Farm Grainless

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Midlands, UK
Hi all, I am changing the boys over to Jr Farm Grainless pellets & they arrived today, I just need a little advice... they've been on burgess, harringtons, and now currently the boys get two egg cups of asda pellets between them - how should the transition work and over how many days? I know the idea is to gradually introduce but I'm unsure of quantities, should I start with a scoop and a half of their normal pellets and half a scoop of Jr Farm, or should it be more gradual than that?

How many Jr Farm pellets should I be aiming to give them once they've got used to the change?

I've switched over their pellets before but I don't want to get it wrong with these as they have such different ingredients to what they're used to, if that makes sense?!

My boys get around 5 of these pellets each. I just mixed in a few at a time over a week with their old food and gradually added more. They went straight for the JR Farm. They wheek for them at 8pm every night which they didn't do with Burgess :)
My boys get around 5 of these pellets each. I just mixed in a few at a time over a week with their old food and gradually added more. They went straight for the JR Farm. They wheek for them at 8pm every night which they didn't do with Burgess :)
That's reassuring! Thank you :) they don't seem overly interested in pellets at the minute anyway, been throwing some away each day for the last few days so will see how it goes tonight!
I put a bowl of each in and didn't fill them until they'd been eaten, for about a month (but I have a special needs pig who needs to eat, and a bubba pig) so if yours are adults I'll assume you put less in each bowl :)
I put a bowl of each in and didn't fill them until they'd been eaten, for about a month (but I have a special needs pig who needs to eat, and a bubba pig) so if yours are adults I'll assume you put less in each bowl :)
Well I have a tricky situation because Joey is an adult who could really do with not putting on any more weight, and Shaun is still a babba who is still supposed to be getting unlimited pellets :mal:
Well I have a tricky situation because Joey is an adult who could really do with not putting on any more weight, and Shaun is still a babba who is still supposed to be getting unlimited pellets :mal:
Because the JR has less fat it may not matter too much at this stage for it to be unlimited. :)
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