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Chubby Piggy

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 10, 2014
Reaction score
Sheffield, United Kingdom
Hi guys!

I've had Daisy for about 6 months now, she was approximately 11 months when we got her. She has always been a larger lady (1.2kgs when I 1st weighed her).

Over the last few weeks I have noticed shes gained quite alot of weight. I feed her and her 2 companions 2 handfuls of pellets a day (shared between them), lots of hay and veggies.
Any idea what I can do?
So 1 handful between 3 pigs would be sufficient? The other 2 are both ideal weight btw x

I would give about 1 1/2 handful to 3 fully grown mature guinea pigs at the peak of their lives. That is the time when they are naturally at their heaviest. Some sows are naturally chubbier then others; it depends on how in the hierarchy they are and also how active/how greedy. Check her heft around her ribcage to see whether she is really overweight for her size.
She's definitely queen bee! As I said she has always been a larger lady but lately she's getting more than her fair share I think. Just weighed her and she's 1.5kg x
She's definitely queen bee! As I said she has always been a larger lady but lately she's getting more than her fair share I think. Just weighed her and she's 1.5kg x

I would recommend to feed your girls in three separate bowls and also split the pellets into a morning and evening portion in separate bowls - after the veg. That is how I am keeping the greedy guts in my groups under control - as much as possible.
Most of my top group piggies are heavier than the (normal) rest of the group, just by dint of having first right. It is a bit easier to control if you keep the pellets low and feed them and the veg in several small portions rather than one large one, so your big girl can't hog all the leftovers.
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