Cleaning Out Boars V Sows Question

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Senior Guinea Pig
Oct 29, 2010
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When I clean out my piggies I tend to put the boys in my bedroom and the husboar and wife in the hallway.

I just wondered if this is actually needed or I can put them both in the same room when I clean them out? Obviously not the same time.

My routine is that I clean the boys out first, put them in my room in a makeshift run and then once I've finished I put them back in their clean cage and tidy up my bedroom to get rid of poops, hay etc and put all the stuff away to make their run.

I then take my boar and sow out and put them in the hallway, make another makeshift run and get a start on cleaning their cage. I've always done this as I was wary that the boys may smell my sow.

So my question is, can I put them in the same hallway (or bedroom) and clean out the boys first as usual then put my husboar and wife pig in after and by the time I clean them again usually about 5-7 days later will the scent still be there or gone? It'd be a lot faster to clean them out if I didn't have to make up two different makeshift runs in two different rooms each time.

I hope the question is clear. I had struggle wording it.
I think the way you are doing it already is best. As if you put them in the same area, but different times the boars may smell the sow?
I think the way you are doing it already is best. As if you put them in the same area, but different times the boars may smell the sow?
Yeah thats what I'm unsure about as the boys wont be on that patch of area until 7 days later, so I don't know if the smell is still there?
Yeah thats what I'm unsure about as the boys wont be on that patch of area until 7 days later, so I don't know if the smell is still there?
I know piggies have a strong sense of smell. I wouldn't risk it Julie, it may cause upsets.
In our piggie household we have 9 boars and 4 sows so during cage cleaning time it would be near impossible to keep all the piggies in different areas. We always clean out the boars first. Also as we clean one set of cages a pair of boars is in the indoor run. We should mention that we have laminate flooring which we clean after each set of piggies has been on. Providing you do the neutered boar and his wife pigs last we don't see any problem with the other boars. After all we have our neutered boar and the females in a c & c cage on a lower level and a pair of boars on an upper level and we have never had any problems. All our other boars are in the same room too although at the other side of the room.

Lisa & Ali...x
In our piggie household we have 9 boars and 4 sows so during cage cleaning time it would be near impossible to keep all the piggies in different areas. We always clean out the boars first. Also as we clean one set of cages a pair of boars is in the indoor run. We should mention that we have laminate flooring which we clean after each set of piggies has been on. Providing you do the neutered boar and his wife pigs last we don't see any problem with the other boars. After all we have our neutered boar and the females in a c & c cage on a lower level and a pair of boars on an upper level and we have never had any problems. All our other boars are in the same room too although at the other side of the room.

Lisa & Ali...x
Thank you!

My boars are above my neutered boar and his wife pig too and they can see each other when I take them out of the cage. My boars are quite old, roughly 4 for Romano and Matthew is unaged but we got told 6 at the rescue and 3 by a piggy savy vet and I've had him for about a year and a half since then so I wasn't sure if they'd react strongly over her or not. These boys are extremely bonded, so much so they never sleep apart.

I might give a small test by cleaning the boys out first then putting Sakurai and Ryou after and then the next week see if they react or not. If they do I definitely won't do it again but they don't seem the type who'd fall out over it because of their age and just how close they are...
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