Climbing Stairs...

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New Born Pup
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
London, UK
P and T are getting very brave now that they have been indoors for a month or so. They are very lively and when let out for their exercise (at least twice a day) love to charge about and explore. The other day I was cleaning while they were pottering about downstairs and suddenly I realised they were nowhere to be seen, after some panicked searching I heard them chatting and followed the noise upstairs to my room where they were sitting happily chatting away under my guitar! They had climbed the stairs, and since then keep heading up there. We have watched them do it and they pop happily up, T quite quickly, P a bit more carefully. They are nearly adult size now, is it ok for them to be doing this? They have platforms in their cage which they love, but I'm wondering if climbing a full flight of stairs could cause damage?
I'm not sure but my boy Junior climbed the full flight of stairs in my house we searched everywhere for him after an hour we found in sitting in the bathroom the floor was covered in poops lol my boyfriend says he must have went upstairs to go to the bathroom hahah
My aptly named Minx was also a stair climber; she discovered it 10 days before giving birth to two unplanned babies - talk about living on the edge! I knew exactly when she considered her babies fully weaned; that was the day when she took up stair hopping again.

I would usually allow her to climb two or three times a week during roaming time (she only would do it behind my back, so I wanted to make sure that I could keep an ear on things) and otherwise I'd block the stairs with cardboard. It has led to some rather hilarious scenes when I had to explain with a straight face to the gas man that I had to piggy proof my staircase!

I only found Minx by making the food call when I couldn't find her anywhere downstairs the first time round. ;)

Here is the only picture I ever caught of her doing it.
It's a bit blink-and-you-miss-it, but old boys Fred and George are stair masters. The two older girls and 4 of my other boys are all rather adept at racing me upstairs too.
The true stair-king however, is hamster Barney, who has mastered coming DOWNSTAIRS in his ball, one step at a time.
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