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Crumbly poop


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 25, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all. I have 4 boars living in 2 pairs. My older 2 are 4/5 and have normal healthy poop. However my youngest 2 are 1/2 and there poop becomes very dry and crumbly even after just 8 hours. I dont think this is them not drinking enough water though because I always check and their water bottle diesnt leak and they get water out of it. My 2 year old is a much bigger water drinker and the other still drinks some water. And they get quite a bit of cucumber and water from other veg I give them that has a high water content. I will attach a pic of a new poop and a pic of poop after a few hours. Bearing in mind the crumbly poop is the pic isn't as bad as it is most of the time. Please help me with what this could be or if they are okay.


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Poop will crumble as it sits in the cage: what you are looking for is how it is as soon as comes out.
However, it doesn’t sound as if they are dehydrated (the need to drink comes first so a piggy won’t deliberately become dehydrated) and as long as the poop is healthy (not soft) then it is unlikely there is an issue
Thank you. Seems as though they are good. Just means it takes a lot longer to clean their cage as it's very hard with all of the dust that comes off their poo!