Davids piggie run diary

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Your piggies look so happy! The set up looks so good - I want to try and do something similar for my boys, very inspirational. :)
How are the girls? :)

They are fine thanks :)

Mummy (now called Milly), is by far the shyist of the 3, and the other 2 have really come out of their shells. Feisty little buggers they are!

Poppy is the cheekiest, and constantly wheeks whenever anyone is around in the hope of getting food. They run up to the bars of the cage and demand attention, and any food they might be lucky enough to get! I planted 4 more trays of food also (including lots of mixed greens), so they are never short of fresh forage.

We kept them inside for yesterday and part of today due to the pouring rain. As soon as I opened the ruin up this afternoon we were treated to a popcorning frenzy. They love their run!

We are not having much success handling them, they still seem very scared and I feel really bad picking them up. Its the only thing that seems to truely frighten them. So they are not getting handled maybe as much as they should. I just hate to scare them the way it seems to. Any advice?
So they got their cozies but it seems that they don't understand that they are supposed to go inside them. The just use them as duvets!

The opening does not stay open at all, I thought it was meant too, so thats not helping much.

They seem to like their new duvets anyway, I just hope they figure out they can go inside before the cold weather comes.
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