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Dead piggy lying on it's side?


New Born Pup
Sep 14, 2020
Reaction score
My piggy died months ago but something has been bothering me ever since. She was lying on her side when my wife found her, and I didn't get a good look at her when my wife picked her up and put her in a box. I often wonder if she was still alive, and we killed her by accident. We probably didn't but we just need some closure.
Thank you very much I knew it was probably nothing but I'm just feeling slightly depressed today, and my mind wanders.
That will happen because you don’t know what caused it. But please do try not to think it’s something you did - I know that may be hard.
It’s often hard to find closure but please be assured that your piggy would have passed away peacefully if she was laying on her side.

You are more than welcome to write a tribute thread in our rainbow bridge section.

Be kind to yourself as you grieve
My piggy died months ago but something has been bothering me ever since. She was lying on her side when my wife found her, and I didn't get a good look at her when my wife picked her up and put her in a box. I often wonder if she was still alive, and we killed her by accident. We probably didn't but we just need some closure.

Hi and welcome

Guinea pigs can die very suddenly right out of the blue from a stroke or a heart-attack. They usually don't lie on the side like the position you found her; she would have been dead. Your wife would have also noticed the broken, sightless eyes and the 'dead' feel of the body when handling her. It is very different to a living body, I assure you!

In the future, if you have got any concerns, please place the body out of the way for 24 hours.

If you can't find closure even after this, please seek help by calling or email the Blue Cross pet bereavement service. It is free but manned by specially trained volunteers that will listen and help you find a more constructive way of dealing with your loss and be able to move on. Bet bereavement can happen to anyone; I have been through it with my still most special piggy even another 70 piggies after and some more wonderful characters. Being able to talk it out with somebody who is bound to keep it confidential is the best thing you can do. You can find the link to their page in the resources chapter of the grieving guide, which lists pet beravement contacts for several countries or ways to find them. The green link to our grieving guide has already been posted in this thread.