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Death's Door

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
United States
Just a while ago, my sister's guinea pig Smores staarted choking on something! He couldn't hardly breathe! I tried looking down his throat to see what he was choking on, to see if I could get it out. Whatever it was, it was way to far back. By this time, Smores could barely breathe at all, his whole body just went compleetely limp. I was sure he was at death's door. I started trying to breathe for him. Then, my sister ran into the room with a long thin stick-like object. I stuck it deep in his mouth and dislodged what he was choking on. He started breathing almost immediately, thank God! He started breathing really deeply, like he couldn't get eenough air he was deprived of. He's fine now, hes sitting in his cage with Bob now. I can't beleive he's alive, I thought for sure he was a gonner. I'm still shaking right now. Sorry about all the spelling mistakes.
I'm so glad I dont have to do a post for him in the rainbow bridge pet section.
Crikey! What a terrible shock! Well done on keeping a cool head and on acting so quickly. Sounds like you definatley saved Smores life! xx>>> x
Awwww poor baby that must of been an awful shock for you, hope you and Smores are okay now!
Smores is fine now, he's actually acting better than before his near death experience. I've been checking on him every spare moment I have. I still can't believe he survived. I thought he was a goner. But, I am so glad he's still with me :)

It took a while for all the adrenaline to get out of my system, I was still all shaky hours later. :{

Thank you all for your posts, I really appreciate it :)
Thanks :)

Smores doesn't even seem to remember it now. :) He back to his sweet little self. He was really tired yesterday, after his near death. I thought his mouth and throat would be hurting him, since I had to shove a thin piece of wood down it to dislodge whatever he choked on, but it doesn't! :) I don't know what he choked on, an overlarge pellet or piece of hay maybe?

Here's a picture of him, all normal! :))
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