Delivery Companies Are...

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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
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... Poo.

I detest them, the only one I like is DPD - they are awesome and actually do a good job.

I have a delivery coming, that should have been here today by hermes... guess what? The driver has 'pretended' to deliver it, so I've been waiting around for absolutely nothing. Guess whose going to give him hell tomorrow when he turns up? OH YES, ME.

Two weeks ago Yodel withheld our vacuum.

Anyone else despise these worthless stupid companies?

Hahaha, I always refer to Hermes as Herpes too :)) I am not Yodel's biggest fan, they'll do anything to get out of actually having to deliver their parcels!
Oooo, Parcel Farce also - they lost one of two pop-up stands that I had couriered to a venue for work, didn't tell me that they were holding it in their 'missing parcels' department and then decided to destroy it before I found out :hb:

I wrote them a lovely letter, followed by an even MORE lovely letter when they tried wriggling out of paying up. Me 1 - Parcel Farce 0 :D
You go girl!

I can't stand them, with the Hoover we told Amazon that they were ruining their image and representation - they said they'd be speaking with them ;)
I think Amazon use DPD now as standard for their deliveries, following endless reams of complaints about Yodel. Honestly, I don't know why it took them so long - that video of Yodel 'delivery' drivers just chucking parcels over fences and dropping them aired years ago!
They normally do use DPD, but it also depends on the company dispatching them. I.e. Vax uses no-del.

I love my DPD guys! They always chat to me :')
Completely with you!
I like DPD as they give you an hour's slot and can track the driver so know if he's getting near. Means I can go out and do things, instead of worrying about missing him

The others were useless and kept leaving with neighbours when I said not to. Neighbours were usually out when I was in. One driver got stroppy as I wouldn't accept a delivery for next door as it was a massive box. How about you don't come round when everyone is out, try evening deliveries, would have much more successful drops.

I've stopped shopping with one online retailer as they use DHL who are rubbish in my area.
Luckily my work don't mind me getting things delivered there as long as it's not too much.
DPD are good never had any issues with them, UPS good too.
Hermes don't get me started on them and Yodel are pretty good too (always got my hay without a problem) plus they always knock and try the neighbours :)

Now Hermes... I've had many things attempted delivery. They would knock and not bother to wait. Once I was in bed, they knocked, got back in the car and was about to leave just as I opened the door! Pah! And another left a deliver slip that made absolutely no sense what's so ever!

When I worked in Retail always had a chat with the DPD courier and the UPS one. Often see them zooming around in there vans. They were quite surprised when they saw me at my new job!
Completely with you!
I like DPD as they give you an hour's slot and can track the driver so know if he's getting near. Means I can go out and do things, instead of worrying about missing him

The others were useless and kept leaving with neighbours when I said not to. Neighbours were usually out when I was in. One driver got stroppy as I wouldn't accept a delivery for next door as it was a massive box. How about you don't come round when everyone is out, try evening deliveries, would have much more successful drops.

I've stopped shopping with one online retailer as they use DHL who are rubbish in my area.
Luckily my work don't mind me getting things delivered there as long as it's not too much.
And you get their names! So you can be like 'hi geoff' !

I just don't see the point of being a delivery company of you can't deliver. Talk about issues. Some don't even knock and go to another house.
I've stopped shopping with one online retailer as they use DHL who are rubbish in my area.
Luckily my work don't mind me getting things delivered there as long as it's not too much.

I only ever get things delivered to work now - quite amusing when massive bags of fitch or hay (and this week, a cage I bought in the Black Friday sale) turn up at a telecoms company... :D
I had 3 parcels the other day, 2 from yodel and one from hermes.
They were three things through my door which said 'left in a secure porch' baring in mind my 'secure porch' is locked...and there's no way they could have possibly left it in there! So its dark out when I get home but I could see behind my hedge in the front garden what looked liked 3 boxes and a parcel so I grabbed a torch and went out and grabbed them. It had be raining all day! The boxes were soaked! And the contents of them! Not only that but sitting on top was a Boohoo parcel with clothes in! Facing upwards with a massive Boohoo written on the front!

How stupid?! For a start...okay maybe just plain boxes maybe..but at this time of year there's so many people are out looking to steal stuff. And with a massive Boohoo written on the top! How ridiculous. I was furious! Especially when the boxes were soaked! And the Boohoo parcel too! The cardboard boxes were so wet I could rip it open!
I had 3 parcels the other day, 2 from yodel and one from hermes.
They were three things through my door which said 'left in a secure porch' baring in mind my 'secure porch' is locked...and there's no way they could have possibly left it in there! So its dark out when I get home but I could see behind my hedge in the front garden what looked liked 3 boxes and a parcel so I grabbed a torch and went out and grabbed them. It had be raining all day! The boxes were soaked! And the contents of them! Not only that but sitting on top was a Boohoo parcel with clothes in! Facing upwards with a massive Boohoo written on the front!

How stupid?! For a start...okay maybe just plain boxes maybe..but at this time of year there's so many people are out looking to steal stuff. And with a massive Boohoo written on the top! How ridiculous. I was furious! Especially when the boxes were soaked! And the Boohoo parcel too! The cardboard boxes were so wet I could rip it open!

Did you complain?
Also one thing I've duly noted with Hermes, a lot of parcels I get from them also end up with 'rips' and 'tears' as if someone's looked in them to see if it's worth keeping!
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Naa, apparently yodel are known to be really bad and they don't do or say anything about it and its a bit pointless. Would have been a different story if the stuff had actually been stolen. I'm going to complain about Hermes though, they were the Boohoo ones.
... Poo.

I detest them, the only one I like is DPD - they are awesome and actually do a good job.

I have a delivery coming, that should have been here today by hermes... guess what? The driver has 'pretended' to deliver it, so I've been waiting around for absolutely nothing. Guess whose going to give him hell tomorrow when he turns up? OH YES, ME.

Two weeks ago Yodel withheld our vacuum.

Anyone else despise these worthless stupid companies?

Give them hell for me. I waisted 2 days holiday for 2 pretended delivery from one of the above companies. One apparently even took a photo of our house to prove he tried to deliver it.

Give them hell for me. I waisted 2 days holiday for 2 pretended delivery from one of the above companies. One apparently even took a photo of our house to prove he tried to deliver it.
What a mug.

I shall give him hell for the both of us...

Genuinely going to take my parcel and say 'why do you and the rest of Herpes feel the need to be so dishonest and lie about an attempted delivery you never attempted' ... When I have a satisfactory answer, I'll sign for it and close the door in that vile face.
They describes the picture to me over the phone and it was clearly off google street view because they said we had a tree in our garden and it had been removed by a tree surgeon 3 months previously.
And they couldn't even fathom how to do said single job.

Have you noticed the drivers always look miserable though?

Then you see one from DPD and they're like HEY HOW ARE YOU :D
I know - if my job involved nothing but ferrying parcels around I'd go out of my way to cheer myself up by knowing I'd done a good job and being nice to the people paying for my services :))

I worked Customer Services and tills in Tesco while at uni, serving some very grumpy and malodorous people, and being cheerful was literally the only way to get through the day most of the time!
I know - if my job involved nothing but ferrying parcels around I'd go out of my way to cheer myself up by knowing I'd done a good job and being nice to the people paying for my services :))

I worked Customer Services and tills in Tesco while at uni, serving some very grumpy and malodorous people, and being cheerful was literally the only way to get through the day most of the time!

Exactly, I'd love the job, I'd just casually sing my heart out in the van to Queen or something, whilst cruising along. Deliver the parcel happily and be on my way, instead of looking like I want to die and that 'I wish my van would run me over' face.
OMG though, did you hear about what happened in Swansea yesterday?

Bless, you seemed to have done a good job! :')
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