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Dental advice


New Born Pup
Sep 27, 2020
Reaction score

Just posting out of sheer frustration really but also would like some advice.

3 weeks ago I noticed my female rescue Diego was having issues eating. No dribbling but I saw her attempt to pick food up and then drop it. Weight was similar to normal so wasn't too concerned, started on Critical Care and booked emergency vet appointment. Vet confirmed she has overgrown molars and booked her in for 2 days later at our local branch for surgery. I know they only use GA for it so made sure her weight was as good as it could be and that she was getting let's of critical care and blended veggies.
The day came and we went to the vets, only to find out they couldn't do it as they're list was full. Had to wait a week for it! Seriously unimpressed with this but as they are the only vet in the area I was prepared to feed critical care as well as keeping an eye on output so I knew her gut was still working. She finally had the op and came through OK. We kept up the critical care for support, weight was steady and she was eating well. No poops so was concerned.
Fast forward 3 days and Diego goes back after suddenly struggling to eat. Weight starts to drop but not massively. She has a dental abscess so is put in Baytrill and Emeprid. Gut working (never been so happy to see poops) but the abscess keeps growing. Diego goes to the emergency vet to have the abscess drained, whilst under GA again which terrified me the vet notices a rear molar has some grey skin around it and believes it may need extracting in future if the abscess cannot be sorted, but to keep an eye.
Diego was soon back to her normal squeaking and eating self. She had a checkup Friday just gone but the vet noticed the abscess site had scabbed over (it was exactly the same as when we picked her up so itust have been scabbed at the time) and reopens abscess and drains it. Emphasis here on it was closed when I picked her up, so nothing was ever going to drain.

Today we went back as Diego is having issues tearing food. She is still eating and coping well with the draining of the abscess and the manuka honey we're using, but from me it looks like her tops insisors have started to curl under. They trimmed the bottom ones and the top but had cut the bottom way back compared to the top so I think it is just where she has been struggling to eat with the abscess. The vet we saw (the gp expert) didn't even look in her mouth, told me to book for an extraction and refused to even consider moving away from Baytrill. Am I right to have paid for the consult only and walked away? I feel they didn't know what they were talking about as they cannot decide that without looking at her properly. They also told me she had lost 40grams in 2 days. My scales show no loss and I mentioned this (Diego had not been on these scales before) only to be told I was wrong. I've contacted Simon Maddox (well the out of hours team) and will be getting her in ASAP. I guess I just need some reassurance I did the right thing?!
@furryfriends (TEAS) is our dental expert.
You’ve definitely done the right thing contacting Cat &Rabbit. Sadly many vets are nit experienced with guinea pig teeth. According to other members on here you need to call at 8am to get one of the emergency appointments.
Hang in there with the treating of the abscess and the syringe top ups.
Thanks guys. Just didn't feel comfortable subjecting her to another operation that may not even be this problem. x
Definitely get an appointment with Simon or Kim Maddock. They will be able to assess her and treat the problem successfully. They are amazing vets, who are very experienced with anything dental/abscess related. If you ring the practice at 8 am, you should be able to get an emergency appointment. 01604 478888
Thanks. I'm going to be teaching so my partner is going to take her in as soon as we get an appointment. She hasn't given up so I refuse to xx
Update for you all. Diego is currently in with Kim. She has removed a spur, has teeth that have grown over her tongue, the insisors don't have a chiselled edge and she has ulcers both sides of her mouth. Kim feels there is a deeper abscess that isn't presenting yet, and is upping the loxicam to a dog Version which is stronger. The teeth issues are obviously long-standing as the teeth are discoloured however I am so glad I listened to my gut and brought her to Kim. I know these issues would have been picked up when the specialist went to do an extraction but still peeved despite me saying something was wrong it got to this point.