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Derek Stopped Pooping

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Chester le Street, Durham
I am posting this on behalf of @Derek's mammy.

Derek was cleaned out last night and since then he has not pooped. He is eating as normal and weeing and does not appear to be in any pain or discomfort. Wendy is just going to check to make sure he isn't impacted. I have suggested she makes a vet appointment for late afternoon on the basis that she can always cancel if he starts pooping this afternoon. Does this sound ok or should this be dealt with as an emergency? Is there anything else Wendy should be doing?

Any advice would be gratefully received
As long as Derek is well in himself and eating and weeing normally, you do not need to treat this an emergency. Some piggies can sometimes have a gap in pooing. It is more likely that Derek has been "between meals" poo-wise overnight and that you will see poos at some point during the day.

But it is good to keep a close eye on him and to see the vet if there is any change in the behaviour, there are signs of discomfort or a continuing lack of poos. Wendy could check for any swelling in boar pouch, which can indicate impaction.
Yes that sounds fine as this should definitely be investigated. Is he ducking down at all? sometimes if a pig is under the weather they will eat a lot of their poos (not just the special ones), my Phoebe was doing this. If there is an issue, other than impaction the vet may prescribe gut stimulants but they need to ensure there is not a blockage before doing so. Massage therapy and plenty of fluids would also be beneficial.

The vet would also need to establish if this is the result if another illness that has slowed down the gut.

Just seen Wiebke's post as I submitted mine, I agree to wait and see but get him checked if none appear.
Thanks ladies. Wendy has checked for impaction and cant find anything. She is understandably worried as this is not normal for Derek so she is going to make an appointment for the vet this afternoon and just have him checked over.

Will update this thread later x
Hi everyone,

Thank you all for help and advice, big thank you to > AbiS for posting this for me.

We are now upto 25 poos, I know it's sad to count but I'm so happy


It is always a relief to know that the poo factory and engine room of a piggy is working as it should! ;)
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