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Devastated; Frank Has Arthritis.

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The Furry Godmother

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2014
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I'm fighting so hard to keep it together right now, had nothing to eat or drink an neither has Frank for nearly two hours - but you know people are inconsiderate and only care about having a fag and flipping cup of tea. So jarred, and trying not to just sob.

So after months of vet appointments. The recent being the hopping and leg pain, over this week he has lost over 100g of weight. And although with keeping up vitC, still hasn't improved.

So it has been deduced that my young, perfect and precious boy has arthritis. He now has recovery food for a week and a 0.5 dose of metacam (which despite what the nurse said I will be splitting into two doses with advice from Helen), everyday long term.

Also suddenly dawned on me, he probably won't be around long :'( I dunno. (I will keep it together!)

I love my boy so much.

Him and Bert also need to be permanently separated so looks like I have building to do when I get home... And going to have to make the decision to either rehome Bert, have two lone pigs, or bond Bert and have 3 - but I'm not sure I can afford that. Also not sure Frank really needs a 2x4 to himself although he's always had that.

I'm just at a complete loss, and I know who is to blame and trust me I hate them for it.
Oh bless you both, so sorry to hear about your troubles. Have a weep if it helps - I would! Take one day at a time, sounds like you are doing your very best for Frank. We have had experience of pets with quite severe arthritis(admittedly not a guinea pig though) and just had to make life as pain free and comfortable as we could, we were very pleasantly surprised at how many extra years we actually achieved in the end. All kind regards, thinking of you.
I'm so sorry, this must feel horrible to you. Try to spend as much time with Frank as you can, give him lots of veggies...
Sending you healing vibes.
Oh dear! Soooo sorry to hear about poor Frankie, bless his heart. I don't know much about arthritis in piggies. Is it really such a death sentence?
He may live on for a few years yet. Instead of separating the two boys completely, why not just enlarge the C and C cage (perhaps to a 2 x 6 if you have the space) and split it in half so that they can still see and talk to each other. Less work and expense for you and no need to find a pal for Bert.
If you feel like sobbing, then let it all out. Don't try to hold it in. You will feel better afterwards. Sending you BIG HUGS and healing VIBES.
Good luck.
I'll tag @piggyfan as I think she had a piggy with arthritis & I think she had some vitamin supplement that she was giving her. Why does it mean they have to be separated though? The weight loss is probably down to him being uncomfortable, so the Metacam will help, divide it into 2 doses a day as Helen mentioned. There is also the option of stronger pain relief like Tramodol as well, if he has some days more painful than others. Don't give up, I am sure he will be ok, he is young so once the pain relief kicks in it should make him more comfortable & eat more :)
I am sorry to hear this - but please don't be too hasty. I am sure Piggyfan will give you good advice on what to do to make the best of this -as well as other forum members.
Oh bless you both, so sorry to hear about your troubles. Have a weep if it helps - I would! Take one day at a time, sounds like you are doing your very best for Frank. We have had experience of pets with quite severe arthritis(admittedly not a guinea pig though) and just had to make life as pain free and comfortable as we could, we were very pleasantly surprised at how many extra years we actually achieved in the end. All kind regards, thinking of you.
Having a good cry now! @guineabecs just told me the same thing about the lifespan and how it's about keeping him comfortable. He's my baby though and it's just so awful :'( I'll do whatever I have to though!
Oh dear! Soooo sorry to hear about poor Frankie, bless his heart. I don't know much about arthritis in piggies. Is it really such a death sentence?
He may live on for a few years yet. Instead of separating the two boys completely, why not just enlarge the C and C cage (perhaps to a 2 x 6 if you have the space) and split it in half so that they can still see and talk to each other. Less work and expense for you and no need to find a pal for Bert.
If you feel like sobbing, then let it all out. Don't try to hold it in. You will feel better afterwards. Sending you BIG HUGS and healing VIBES.
Good luck.
I don't think it is I think I just assumed the worst!
She wanted them separated long term because of food intake as Frank is ever so slight, he's down to 645g. And because how Bert is dominant and jumps all over him I think.
Don't think I could do the 2x6 because of the correx, I dunno I may be able to.
Thank you!

And thank you to everyone for your kind words and support, means a lot. xxxxx
I'll tag @piggyfan as I think she had a piggy with arthritis & I think she had some vitamin supplement that she was giving her. Why does it mean they have to be separated though? The weight loss is probably down to him being uncomfortable, so the Metacam will help, divide it into 2 doses a day as Helen mentioned. There is also the option of stronger pain relief like Tramodol as well, if he has some days more painful than others. Don't give up, I am sure he will be ok, he is young so once the pain relief kicks in it should make him more comfortable & eat more :)
Never give up! :')
Thank you for tagging her x
I'm so sorry I just saw this message now. Arthritis is not the end of the world! Amelia Jane has arthritis and she is six years old. Twice a day she has loxicom and glucosamine supplement. She lives a very happy life with her three friends. Frank does not need to be separated from Bert at all. Please do not worry. Arthritis can be managed with pain relief.
Oh Heather I'm so sorry. Xx
Poor Frank, at least he is being spoilt rotten by a lovely caring piggy mum. We all know you will do your best for him, whatever happens. He can still be a lively, cheerful little pig. Please do not worry. Sending Frank vibes. x
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