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Difficulty eating after dental work

I’m so pleased she’s done so well. It’s all down to your hard work. When my Pepper had his abscess I thought he’d never get better or eat for himself ever again. It’s so stressful and tiring caring for a sick piggy. ❤️
Just goes to show how much can be done when you see the experts and get such specialised care which is spot on! Ori is a very lucky little piggie to have an owner who was literally prepared to put in all those extra miles to save her life.

Happy munching, Ori and fingers crossed that her teeth align well and adapt to the missing incisor xx
Hi all,
Just another update. We are a few weeks on from surgery now and Ori is completely back to her old self.

She has adapted to the missing incisor no problems!

Her weight is up to over 1000g now too! She dropped to just under 800g at her most poorly!

Here’s a pic of her the other day with her sister Ruby (my ginger floof), looking back to her chunky self!

Just wanted to thank everyone again for all your help and support at such a stressful time!



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Fabulous news and well done you! It was a huge struggle but you pulled out all the stops and saved Ori. The surgery was so important but just the beginning and keeping her going was all down to you and your skills! xx