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Dirty Piggy Bums

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Polly and Rosie

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 13, 2014
Reaction score
I was wondering how you clean your guinea pigs bums when they are dirty. Polly has had a dirty bum a few times and I see it in the morning and in the early afternoon it is gone?
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If her bottom is clean by afternoon then I would imagine she is cleaning herself so I do not think you need to worry. You can always use small animal wipes to wipe her bottom if you are concerned.
I agree with above. When I do wash my piggies bums I just use some lightly warm water and give a quick rinse. I don't like using chemicals too often and find a rinse does the trick if it's needed.
My piggy Maisy sometimes has a dirty bum. When I pick her up I notice that the fur behind her bum is wet. Should I cut it?
She is medium haired.
My piggy Maisy sometimes has a dirty bum. When I pick her up I notice that the fur behind her bum is wet. Should I cut it?
She is medium haired.

My boy Logan (profile picture) used to have long hair on his bottom that we used to have to cut! We kept it trimmed so nothing got caught in it. This was his hair when he first came to us. It was so cute and hated trimming it, but would of been a nightmare if we didn't! :P

My boy Logan (profile picture) used to have long hair on his bottom that we used to have to cut! We kept it trimmed so nothing got caught in it. This was his hair when he first came to us. It was so cute and hated trimming it, but would of been a nightmare if we didn't! :P

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