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Discharge from nose

Thank you for your support. Means a lot when I’m struggling. His poops aren’t great today, I understand that it’s 1-2 days to pass through, should I just ignore as his weight has been stable +/- 10g for 5 days?

10g is the difference between a full and an empty bladder, just to put things into perspective. As long as his weight is stable it means that he is essentially OK in himself and has the strength to fight it off. It's not like you have to make up a more major weight loss of 100-150g or so. But yes, the poos reflect the reaction of gut microbiome to the antibiotic. You haven't yet got to the change and my need to wait a few more days because the microbiome needs time to recover and rebuild as the traces of the antibiotic are gradua weaning off. ;)

Just be patient. It will come right again.
10g is the difference between a full and an empty bladder, just to put things into perspective. As long as his weight is stable it means that he is essentially OK in himself and has the strength to fight it off. It's not like you have to make up a more major weight loss of 100-150g or so. But yes, the poos reflect the reaction of gut microbiome to the antibiotic. You haven't yet got to the change and my need to wait a few more days because the microbiome needs time to recover and rebuild as the traces of the antibiotic are gradua weaning off. ;)

Just be patient. It will come right again.
Thanks, yes I was happy with the weight so that’s what I was pinning my hopes on 😀 Think cleaning time today has just coincided with feeling quite tired & anxious.

I always thought I was a fairly patient person, totally changing my opinion of that now! 😛
Update, he still isn’t eating much on his own. He was a bit brighter this afternoon. He is now squeaking a bit when he poops, am
I right in thinking it could be stones? Will be ringing the vets 1st thing to get seen. I can’t believe this.