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Diy Christmas Presents For Piggies

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New Born Pup
Nov 23, 2014
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I am definitely one for homemade stuff! Most of my guinea pigs' chew toys and some of their houses are made by me. Getting into the Christmas spirit, I was wondering if anyone has made or has any ideas of some Christmas chew toys or enrichment stuff that I can give to my guinea pigs for their Christmas themed cage? Preferably natural things? Thanks - The piggies and me! :)
A big favourite of our piggies is cardboard tubes from toilet rolls ( cut down the middle ) then stuffed with hay and herbs. Also as a treat on Christmas day we buy small mixed sweet peppers and cut the tops off remove the seeds and stuff with their favourite herbs like Coriander ... :luv:
Thank you both for your suggestions, I will definitely make some of these things for Christmas! :)
A big favourite of our piggies is cardboard tubes from toilet rolls ( cut down the middle ) then stuffed with hay and herbs. Also as a treat on Christmas day we buy small mixed sweet peppers and cut the tops off remove the seeds and stuff with their favourite herbs like Coriander ... :luv:

Wow these sound great. I will definately be trying these out for my piggies.
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