Do Boars Shed More Then Sows?

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Cavy Lover

Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
I was wondering because my boar is a short haired and two of my sows are abysinnians and he still seems to shed so much more hair then all of them. The girls are barely shedding at all. And when I give my boy cuddles, I get covered in hair. Anyway I was just wondering and it is interesting if it is true.
My short-haired shreds a crap-load of hair also. Curious to find some answers also. We thought it was due to the season? We can't pick him up without having all these short, straight white/grey hairs stuck everywhere. The fleeces are covered with his hair also, daily vaccumming is a pain :hb:
mollie sheds the most out of all the pigs i've had. little black hairs get everywhere! :))
mollie is smooth haired by the way. all mine have been, except maisie who was mostly smooth with a sheltie skirt! she probably did shed the least now i think about it.
Shedding is rather individual, it has nothing to do with gender. Some piggies shed more than others even with the same breed.
I think its more to do with breed than gender. Ryou, Romano and Bakura don't really shed at all but Sakurai my female sheds tons. The boys are a coronet, smooth haired and Bakura is possibly a Lunkarya but Sakurai is an Aby.
I have two male abys and my gosh, they are shedding loads now that the weather has gotten warmer. They hate being brushed as well so I try to mostly just use my hands and I get absolutely covered in white, brown, and ginger hairs!
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