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Do guineas have tummy buttons?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2009
Reaction score
Kizzy has a bump that looks like a mole on her belly it is almost a perfect circle and is about 5mm across and has no fur on it. It is just where her tummy button would be if she had one. I haven't seen anything like it on the other girls and it doesn't look like any lumps on guinealynx. If it didn't go away in the next few days I was going to take her to the vet and definatly if it gets bigger. Am I over reacting or is there something wrong with her?
I just googled and found this ..... "All mammals have belly buttons so your guinea pig has one" - don't know if this is any help?
I know they have an umbilical cord so to me that would suggest there would be a belly button
I think they do have a little lump there (looking a bit like a third nipple) as i have seen a little lump on a few of mine and i didnt notice properly till i got my skinny boris as he has no hair on his tummy so i can clearly see it. Dont take my word for it though. I'm sure someone on here will tell you if they do for sure:)
Yes they do - and just as with humans they can vary in terms of their appearance/visibility depending upon the length of umbilical cord remaining once it has been bitten off. I have some guineas with definite raised surfaces of bare skin - but in others the fur has tended to overgrow...

5mm however is quite large so just keep an eye on it and if it changes in appearance or size then get it checked by a vet. Can you put a photo on?


Apart from a few notable exceptions (like the fantastic Platipus), most mammals give birth to live young. Not all of them are placental (think or marsupials) but around 4,000 species of mammals are. This includes rodents.

Placental mammals all have umbilical cords and therefore, some kind of belly button. I hope that helps.
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