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Do Oats Cause Bloat?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 1, 2014
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I've heard that oats can cause bloat but id like to learn more. As in how much can u feed? Why do they cause bloat? Etc :)
I once asked a very knowledgeable woman who runs a guinea pig clinic about oats. She said to never feed them as they can cause bloat and guinea pigs cannot digest them.
Ohh okay. Why are oats often included in so many treats then? Like some of Oxbow? Is there anything beneficial at all?
Treats are junk food anyway. I would not feed them. I guess it's like why honey is used in treats. Just a way for the companies to make money.
I have given my pigs oats for ages, I only give them a small amount (a teaspoon) every other day and for me I have never had a bloated guinea pig. It might bloat some pigs and not others.
Hmm thats a good point. I got an email from oxbow today as i emailed them askin them about garlic in veggie treats and mentioned that oats can cause bloat and they said that they havnt heard about oats causing bloat. So i wanted to make sure i knew stuff about oats and bloat, just so i could let them know.
I've used porridge oats for 2 years. Mine get them twice a week in the winter & once a week from spring to autumn x
Piggyfan, try giving your pigs oats and see what happens. if you think it's bloating them stop but most of us have given our pigs oats and nothing serious has happened.
Oats are heating which is why they can cause bloat, I too do not feed them. The person Piggyfan refers to has seen pigs at the clinic who were suffering from bloat after being fed oats and regularly deals with owners over the phone who have been referred to her by the vets she runs the clinic at.

If I want to help pigs put weight on I give them critical care and they can occasionally have a very small pinch of bran.
i remember asking my exotics vet about this a while back. he said he's heard that people use them to try and bulk up a piggy who has lost weight, but he wouldn't recommend this as you can potentially cause more stomach issues, and it's better for them to gain weight slowly over time, especially after illness. but apart from the weight side, they're not a good choice for piggies anyway. so i would never feed them personally.
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