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do you think guinea pigs are the best rodent as a pet?

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comparing to all the others - rats, hamsters, gerbils, degus (chinnies?)

just for fun
I don't want to say as I have gerbils too :smitten: I also have kept rats in the past plus hammys :smitten:
most definetly !
have had bunnies before and guineas more vocal and people friendly (i'm sure bunny fanciers will slap my legs for that! ;) )
love me hamsters thou x
thats right they are lagomorphs but ill let you off ;)

ive had hammys and rats too but thing is rats dont live for long do they :'(
Nah i love piggies, hammies and gerbils all the same :smitten: :smitten:
Piggies are thought to not be rodents either. :P

So hamsters are my favourite true rodent ;D
PiggyLips said:
Piggies are thought to not be rodents either. :P

So hamsters are my favourite true rodent ;D
Guinea pigs are rodents O0
I've not had other rodents so can't comment but I've had a rabbit and I would say pigs are more trusting or have I got that wrong?
Cant say for sure, i'd imagine rats, chins and gerbils to be great pets! But as much as i love my hammy i would say pigs are the best from my experience :smitten:
I did put gerbils and degus on my list omg ive lost the plot 98) ;D
I do :smitten: piggies, I love the fact that my oldest ones are so used to me, they'll fall asleep on me it's lovely :).

I do love rats too though, they're so much fun when I get them out for a play ;D
I much prefer my rabbits

:embarassed:That sounds really bad :embarassed:
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