Do your pets have pet names?

Misa gets 'Beaverface' and 'Beaversquirrel,' as her similarity to both a beaver and a squirrel has been pointed out to us several times! Tomie gets 'Nutbar' and "Knucklehead.' She's a little loopy at times. LOL!

My daughter recently got a new Syrian hamster, Hollyhock, and I don't think anyone uses her actual name. We call her Hollyham most of the time. When we got her my other daughter suggested we call her 'Smelvin' as a joke, and she gets called Smelvin whenever she has that girl hamster funk (which is pretty much all the time, hamsters go into heat every 4 days or so.)
I missed out a couple for Perry and Lola.

Perry - Mr Stripe, Stripey pig, Little stripey friend!

Lola - Showpig. We sing to her..

🎵Her name was Lola, she was a showpig.. with white feathers in her hair..🎵

We should be embarrassed by this.. but we’re not 😆