Do Your Piggies Kiss?

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Rochester Piggy

Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 22, 2017
Reaction score
Rochester, Washington, USA
(BTW, my piggy Cali lives alone because she bullies other piggies)

My piggy does! She licks me on the lips and licks my fingers! Once she literally bit my lip and when I laughed, she let go! I had a friend over who was holding her next to her face, and Cali licked her lips! She started yelling and laughing (my friend, not Cali) and said "Why is your guinea pig eating me?!" I completely cracked up and said "She's kissing you!" :lol!:
My piggies don't kiss me but they kiss each other. Often they will do some zoomies around their cage in the morning then stop mid zoomie kiss each other then rum away from each other into their hidey and start up again with the zoomies a minute later. They will kiss when they have had a bit of a scuffle with each other too and then snuggle with each other for a bit.
Only one of my piggies kisses me. I used to be worried he'd nip, so moved my fingers or hand away when he went close, but one day I wasn't watching and he started licking me! I then reinforced that behaviour with peaflakes, so now when we have lap-time all he wants to do is lick any bit of exposed skin in the hope of peaflakes. Oops :drool::mal:
All of our piggies kiss, but they are 'selective kissers'.
Eddi will only kiss DD2.
Ruby will only kiss DD1 and actually bites everyone else (what a sweetie). :roll:
Lucy and Oreo rarely kiss, but all of us have been on the receiving end at some point.

Here is a video of Eddi refusing to kiss DD1 :raz:
I only have one guinea pig that will kiss, he constantly licks my forearms during lap time. And he will only do it to me.

However ALL the rats nibble and lick whoever holds them and each other. They spend hours "group grooming", know fact rats self groom even more than cats do. I love that the correct name for a group of rats is " a mischief" says a lot about personality.
Yes! Both my pigs kiss me, only one will kiss my other half though, and one of mine will only kiss me very rarely. The other one has developed it as part of his bedtime routine and has to kiss me goodnight. He'll sulk at me if he doesn't get his bedtime kiss!
All of our piggies kiss, but they are 'selective kissers'.
Eddi will only kiss DD2.
Ruby will only kiss DD1 and actually bites everyone else (what a sweetie). :roll:
Lucy and Oreo rarely kiss, but all of us have been on the receiving end at some point.

Here is a video of Eddi refusing to kiss DD1 :raz:
So sweet but so evil! Piggies will be piggies!
We've had some that were kissers- Sundae in particular would basically wash your hands for you. My others have only done this occasionally, not as often as she did and more particularly. Our new baby pig, Leela, is beginning to lick hands and faces a bit, but she is apt to nibble too so we have to proceed with caution.
Gizmo does when he feels like it. The other day he licked all my face. Think it was him saying that's it,you don't get any more till next year. Lol
Archie adores to kiss. He does little gentle licks on our hands, big grooming licks around my eyes and face, and frenches more than my fiance :jel:
All of our piggies kiss, but they are 'selective kissers'.
Eddi will only kiss DD2.
Ruby will only kiss DD1 and actually bites everyone else (what a sweetie). :roll:
Lucy and Oreo rarely kiss, but all of us have been on the receiving end at some point.

Here is a video of Eddi refusing to kiss DD1 :raz:

Wow, that video shows he really does choose to kiss your DD2 and not DD1. Amazing
Connie was my licky pig. She would kiss my hands and arms and groom my face. Ted would groom my ears. I miss them both and their kissy ways. They never kissed anyone else in the family. The current bunch are not kissers. Mollie is more of a shark. I wouldn't trust her to come anywhere near me offering a kiss!
Godfrey will thoroughly groom your nose, eyebrows, often kisses bare forearms during laptime, kisses the kitchen table (...) and also kisses clothes. Duncan kisses often but is more sparing. He does it like he's saying "I love this hooman." Godfrey is not against licking you on the mouth after munching his poop. Yay...?
All of our piggies kiss, but they are 'selective kissers'.
Eddi will only kiss DD2.
Ruby will only kiss DD1 and actually bites everyone else (what a sweetie). :roll:
Lucy and Oreo rarely kiss, but all of us have been on the receiving end at some point.

Here is a video of Eddi refusing to kiss DD1 :raz:

Godfrey will thoroughly groom your nose, eyebrows, often kisses bare forearms during laptime, kisses the kitchen table (...) and also kisses clothes. Duncan kisses often but is more sparing. He does it like he's saying "I love this hooman." Godfrey is not against licking you on the mouth after munching his poop. Yay...?
LOL! My mum is always like "you know she eats her own poop right" when I'm kissing her. Once during laptime I was drinking a mango smoothie and she started licking the outside of the cup...
George loves nothing more than shoving his tongue up my nostrils, which I guess is... nice. A couple of my girls give big wet fat tongued licks :love:

Oh gosh - I'm sitting here laughing right now, that's so funny! :D:wub: and sweet.
Freddie went through a phase of being a bit of a lap piggy and he would also lick at times, but has now gone back to an 'explorer piggy'. He is a tweaker too though, so I'm never totally sure if he will lick or tweak.
Ruby will sometimes groom me, and the two of them will sometimes groom each other.
Penny won't sit still and is also one to go off exploring, whilst Rosie still doesn't want to know me except for food.
Smudge licks any available skin, including hands, forearms, neck and face. She also likes licking noses, especially the tip! Snowy is also a licker, and basically washes my hands for me. Such a thoughtful boar!
Poppy licks fingers and forearms, and cutie loves licking my neck. Sweetie licks forearms, and Fudge is NOT a licker. The others are lap piggies, but not Fudge. She wriggles and wants to escape to explore...
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