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Does Baytril/metacam Affect Pee Pee?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2014
Reaction score
Wales, UK

My Muppet started a course of Metacam and Baytril for a query URI.... he had been sneezing blood occasionally (as per my previous thread on Friday), but his gums/ lungs looked/sounded healthy and he was eating/drinking/pooping/peeing normally and his usual chirpy self.... he had the injection versions on Saturday morning and I'm now giving him a syringed version once a day (he had one this morning).

My question is - could one of these be turning his wee pinky orange? This is a sign of blood in the urine isn't it.... but he's never had this before...... maybe it would have happened anyway if he hadn't been on the meds... i.e. it could be part of the illness?

He has another appointment on Tues to see how the antibiotics are helping.....

Thanks x
The meds shouldn't affect the wee. Baytril is known to upset the digestion, so I'd recommend giving a probiotic like biolapis (from a vet) or Pro-c (pets@home )1-2 hours after the Baytril.

The colorful wee could indicate a urine infection. Some foods can also affect the colour (beetroot for example) or some dry foods and treats can contain artificial colours, which should really be avoided.

Baytril is not usually the best antibiotic for UTIs, septrin would be my choice. The metacam will be taking care of any pain issues so you'll not see other symptoms. Talk to your vet about the wee at your appt.
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