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Does Lunas Bad Paw Look Inflamed?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2014
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I don't know if i'm just paranoid now, but I think Luna was walking extra carefully on one of her bad paws today & I dont know if it looks a little inflamed?

I know her feet are a mess (she was a very neglected piggy), but it's really the colour i'm thinking looks a little more red than usual?

lunapaw.png Untitled.png
Thanks for putting some good closeups on your post. My Dindy had feet very similar to that when she was rescued. They really do need seeing by a vet. Her nails want trimming back as they look like they are starting to grow back in towards he foot pads. It also looks like there are a few spurs (thick excessive skin) on her foot pads.
She will no doubt be in some discomfort. As a prey animal,Luna will hide any pain and disability as best she can, So please take her to a vet asap.
My little Mavis' feet where the same when she came to me. They are a lot better now, but will never be perfect. I've managed to trim them so they are not curled and are shorter, but they will always be thick and ugly, specially on her backs. I don't see that the foot is inflamed but she could be walking uncomfortably because her nails are hurting her? Does she let you do anything with her nails? If you aren't confident then definitely a vet trip to get them sorted. Poor little girl, it's a good thing she's found a doting piggy mum now.
@Dindypig Hey, She gets her nails trimmed regularly by the vet, I don't do it myself because they're so twisted I dont feel confident doing it myself & the fourth toe you cant really see is totally embedded into the pad of her foot.. They are due a trim, but they dont really get much shorter than this without bleeding, the quick is much further up than it looks, lol. The vet does the best she can to clip those crusty spurs away, but they still always look like a horror movie. I'll get her to the vets in the next day or two.

@Flutterby Didn't notice it was you there with the picture change, haha. See if i soak her feet, can i pick or cut the crusty bits off myself? I'm always terrifed to touch them because i don't know whats dead skin and whats live tissue. She doesn't let me do anything to any of her, she cracks up at everything and acts like I'm coming at her with an axe no matter what i do, So i can never tell whats sore, because she acts like everything's sore because of her pelvis fracture she just doesnt like to be touched. nightmare. x
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Honestly I've be tempted to take her to a knowledgeable vet to have her feet sorted, if you aren't confident yourself :) It could be that she need's just a little wiff of the sleepy gas to settle her whilst it's done. Then after that once she is more comfortable with her feet you can work on keeping on top of them yourself.
Dindy also had a nail curled round and so long that it embedded into her foot but my vet trimmed the nail and removed the piece out of her flesh. She had incurable bumblefoot forever after in that foot. If the nail is actually embedded (pierced) in her foot then it aught to be removed before any infection can set in.
I agree with Flutterby, find a piggy savvy vet.
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