Does Temperature Change Matter?

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Maisy and Poppy

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Hi, my guinea pigs Maisy and Poppy live outside. When we go abroad in the Christmas hols for 5 days the piggies will be staying at a boarding place inside, The boarding room is always quite hot so I wondered if the temperature change would matter? I have asked the lady who runs the boarding to put an ice block in their cage!
Many thanks!
You cannot put ice in the piggy cage! That would be very dangerous. Is the hutch not in a shed or garage? It is not appropriate to have a hutch out in winter. The change of temperature could make the pigs unwell as they will have to go back out again after being in the warmth.
I would not put ice, I meant a snugglesafe cool disc thing!:) I have no other option as we have no other outdoor boarding near us!:no:
How hot is really hot? I wouldn't put anything cold in with them during the winter, unless the room is stupidly over heated.
Thanks, the room is hot because the lady boards hedgehogs and they hibernate if it is too cold! Also the snuggle safe ica cube thingy will be wrapped in a thick towel and underneath the fitch bedding!
Thanks, the room is hot because the lady boards hedgehogs and they hibernate if it is too cold! Also the snuggle safe ica cube thingy will be wrapped in a thick towel and underneath the fitch bedding!
They could still burry under the towels, these piggies are not as innocent as you think.
Thanks, I will ask the staff to keep an eye on them! I am sad because they are going to boarding in 4hrs and counting:(:bye:. At least they are inside so I know they will be warm and cosy! I hate leaving my piggies!
It's horrible leaving piggies, great to go on hols but it is always a worry. Temperature change can indeed affect piggies, I would definitely ask the boarding place to keep a check of the temperature and lower it if yours are outdoor piggies.
`Thanks, dropped them off yesterday, she was also boarding 2 boars, so I hope they don't accidentally mix with my 2 sows!
She ideally needs to keep them in a separate room, if the pigs get too hot it can cause all types of issues, especially fungal.
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