Dropped The Bunnies Off For Their Spay This Morning!

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Sutton in Ashfield, UK.
My mum, sister and I dropped our two girls off at the vets to be spayed earlier this morning!

They have been there since half past 8 this morning and I'm worrying so much! I'm totally confident in our vet but I have never experienced having a pet spayed/neautured before so it's a pretty scary first experience!

It's so strange walking into my room and not having my little girl there too greet me! I miss her here already haha!

Both of the girls have recently lost their friends. So we are hoping they can bond once they are all healed. Fingers crossed!

Can't wait to get them home later today! My little girl especially! I hope everything is going okay there!
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I hope it all goes well. If they can be bonded that would be fantastic.
Just recieved a call from the vets. They called because they cannot find Acorns uterus to remove. Now I'm extremely worried.

Ive been trying to research online and cannot find anything!

Is this even possible. Has anyone heard of this?! Is she okay?

She defintely isn't already spayed because we have had her since being a baby. Ive never heard of anything like this before :(
I know you can get genetic conditions in animals where the internal reproductive organs don't form.
Oh I am relived for you. I bet you are feeling so happy.
I hope they have a good recovery.
Phew, that was a scare! How are the girls doing? I imagine they are sore.
Thankyou all! I'm so happy they are home!

They are very quite at the moment but that is to be expected of course. As far as I can tell nothing has been eaten since I got them home but hopfully later tonight or tomorrow morning they will start to nibble on something. But overall they are doing okay, considering what has been done to them!
That is really good. Hopefully they will eat later. They are likely to be drowsy from the anaesthetic.
Neither of the girls have eaten since their surgery. The vets rang early this morning to see how they were getting on (which was a lovely surprise!) so we explained they were not eating ect. They told us to ring back if they hadn't eaten by 5 this afternoon. Still no eating happened so we rang they told us to bring them straight down.
So we are now onto the difficulty of syringe feeding :(
Aww I am sorry. Syringe feeding rabbits is such a nightmare. I hope they take the syringe.
Thankfully my rabbit was ok after spaying but I had to syringe feed a guinea I had neutered , was up the first night a few times & came home from work at lunchtime for the first day & was really frightened. He soon picked up & now lives very happily with his 2 girls.
Hope all goes well for you, if you can carry on with the syringe feeding whilst they're still a bit groggy hopefully they'll start eating again soon. Might be worth a forage for dandelions tomorrow.
take care
Keep us all posted
It's so difficult. I'm struggling so much! With both their medicine and food! Acorn does not want to co operate :(
Aww I really am sorry. Keep at it. You are doing this for Acorn to get well.
Have you tried some of their favourite veggies? What are you syringe feeding them? Could try some baby food such as Ella's Kitchen (the pouches that just contain fruit/veg) to see if they will enjoy that better. Keep at it x
Have you tried some of their favourite veggies? What are you syringe feeding them? Could try some baby food such as Ella's Kitchen (the pouches that just contain fruit/veg) to see if they will enjoy that better. Keep at it x

They have all of their favourite veg in their cages! Not touched any of it :(
They are having oxbow critical care, which they also will not take!
Baby food is a good idea!

I will keep trying. They have a check up at the vets tomorrow at half 10, I just hope I can get them eating bedore then x
They have all of their favourite veg in their cages! Not touched any of it :(
They are having oxbow critical care, which they also will not take!
Baby food is a good idea!

I will keep trying. They have a check up at the vets tomorrow at half 10, I just hope I can get them eating bedore then x
Best of luck. I have been in a similar situation for the first time last year with one of my piggies. I found that she took the baby food better than the critical care. Probably because it is tastier!
Sending you lots of recovery vibes, please let us know how they get on at the vets tomorrow. I have no experience with buns unfortunately @BossHogg @biscandmatt
Best of luck. I have been in a similar situation for the first time last year with one of my piggies. I found that she took the baby food better than the critical care. Probably because it is tastier!

In their defence, Critical care smells pretty awful, haha! I wouldn't wanna eat it! I'm gunna pick up some baby food I think on the way back from the vets! Hopefully they will like that!
Sending you lots of recovery vibes, please let us know how they get on at the vets tomorrow. I have no experience with buns unfortunately @BossHogg @biscandmatt

Thankyou so much! I will let you know :)
i was going to suggest the rabbit forum, but have seen you've already posted on there. definitely ask for advice on there. but it sounds like you're doing everything right. you said meds so i assume they're on metacam? this is really important for a while after at least as they'll be sore. i say this as some vets give one of those 24hr pain klllers and think this is enough, when it isn't. if you've been back, they may now also be on a gut stimulant?

they should be indoors aswell after a spay. kept very clean and dry. towels would be good to monitor for any blood etc, and these can be changed 2-3x a day to keep them extra clean and reduce any risk of infection. also, no loose bedding on the floor for the same reason, until they've healed.

i would expect them to be quite quiet for a couple of days, but the not eating at this stage is quite a concern. leave everything within easy reach for them - if they usually drink from a bottle, offer this aswell as a bowl. leave some pellets nearby, and maybe some pellet mash aswell. then a plate of bits and pieces, chopped hay and bits of their favourite foods. you could even offer some critical care 'mush' on the plate aswell. just a variety really which will hopefully tempt them.

and definitely ask more on the rabbit forum if you need to. i've seen quite a few worried posts from people after spays and ops. :)
i was going to suggest the rabbit forum, but have seen you've already posted on there. definitely ask for advice on there. but it sounds like you're doing everything right. you said meds so i assume they're on metacam? this is really important for a while after at least as they'll be sore. i say this as some vets give one of those 24hr pain klllers and think this is enough, when it isn't. if you've been back, they may now also be on a gut stimulant?

they should be indoors aswell after a spay. kept very clean and dry. towels would be good to monitor for any blood etc, and these can be changed 2-3x a day to keep them extra clean and reduce any risk of infection. also, no loose bedding on the floor for the same reason, until they've healed.

i would expect them to be quite quiet for a couple of days, but the not eating at this stage is quite a concern. leave everything within easy reach for them - if they usually drink from a bottle, offer this aswell as a bowl. leave some pellets nearby, and maybe some pellet mash aswell. then a plate of bits and pieces, chopped hay and bits of their favourite foods. you could even offer some critical care 'mush' on the plate aswell. just a variety really which will hopefully tempt them.

and definitely ask more on the rabbit forum if you need to. i've seen quite a few worried posts from people after spays and ops. :)

Thankyou for that reply! We are doing everything you have mentioned there :)
They are on metacam, yes! Which is a nightmare to try and give rabbits! The little things are so strong!
They are also inside with towels to check for problems!

I have been scattering their favourite veg around so they have food from whereever they want too sit! There is also a couple of hay piles available and a bowl of pellets! I also put critical care on a little cup saucer for them!

I'm grateful for your reply! It's made me feel better that I'm doing everything correctly!:)

Good news: our other girl, Toffee, is now eating :D.

Acorn still isn't however. But they are both back at the vets in 40 minutes!
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