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Dry Heaving?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 7, 2014
Reaction score
Evening all!

My little Fluffy, has been giving little cough/chokes lately, which I put down to eating fast? (good old google!)

Tonight, I'm sitting at the table and look out to the hall where my piggy pen is, and see her rocking back and forth and realised she was heaving like a dog does when it is about to vomit.

I obviously startled her as I jumped up and rushed over, so she ran into an igloo and I heard her coughing then picked her up. She's sitting with me just now nice and quiet as she always is.

Just wondered if I should have her checked out or is this normal?!
I've seen my old piggie Ludwig do this. He ended up with food caught in his throat so he was doing that movement to sort of push it forward and it all dribbled out of his mouth. I was really shocked and made a topic on here about it as I didn't think guinea pigs could throw up but it turned out he didn't throw up, just pushed it from his throat.
Thank you @Wiebke I'll read up on that. I do chop the veg well for them, and it is mostly spread out throughout the day as any time any of the kiddos rustle a pack I then get wheeked at constantly until they are fed :D So I find it easier to spread their veggies across the course of the day. And because there are 7 of them there, I chop into smaller pieces so it looks more and they don't argue.

I guess I got a right fright seeing her do this as I've heard little coughs, and sneezes over the time I've had piggies but never seen this before!
it can be frightening! Thankfully she is OK now?
She seems absolutely fine now, chilled out again and no doubt wondering what my fuss was about ;)
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