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Dry Skin On Foot

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 8, 2014
Reaction score
hi, I was cutting Katie's nails today and noticed on her front paw she was a piece of dry hard yellow skin. There's no redness or weeping, it possible looks a bit swollen but hard to tell. I tried to take a picture but can't get a clear shot. Is this the same thing as bumblefoot or just dry skin. Also any tips on getting rid of it would be appreciated.
Thank you weikbe, I cleaned her foot with just warm water and a large chunk came away. I don't have any iodine but I'll try and keep it clean and dry. Would sudocream be ok to put on or is it unsafe for piggies
Thank you weikbe, I cleaned her foot with just warm water and a large chunk came away. I don't have any iodine but I'll try and keep it clean and dry. Would sudocream be ok to put on or is it unsafe for piggies

Sudocrem is OK. For disinfecting you can make your own saline solution by mixing 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 pint/500 ml of boiled cooled water.
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