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Early Morning Call

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Veggies Galore

Senior Guinea Pig
Dec 23, 2013
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I work shifts so am sometimes trying to sleep when 9-5 people are going to work. I have been woken some mornings by a car horn and noticed the culprit this morning .

It would appear that someone in our street regularly gets a lift. At 7.30 am this morning , a car turns into our street, pips his horn as he drives up our street, swings the car round with such precision that it is obvious he does this manouver regularly -and pulls up outside a house.

If he friend is expecting him - why does he need to pip his horn? I was very tempted to go over and thank him for waking the whole street up !
Someone who lives almost opposite me across the street has an extremely sensitive car alarm. It goes off several times in quick succession late in the evening, sometimes as late as 11 pm. I feel like shouting out the window "Switch the *!$?%* thing off!"
Someone who lives almost opposite me across the street has an extremely sensitive car alarm. It goes off several times in quick succession late in the evening, sometimes as late as 11 pm. I feel like shouting out the window "Switch the *!$?%* thing off!"

*!$?%* - my sentiments exactly !

I NEED my sleep !
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