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Easter Photos.. Or Not!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I've been trying all morning and failing miserably at getting an Easter themed photo of the girls. I got a large tray of hay with the knitted bunny and fluffy chicks.

Amber trampled the chicks and Mabel looked at the bunny in disgust.. This may be a challenge. This is the best photo I got all morning.

'I don't know what this is mummy, but I really don't want it near me when I'm eating..'

I've been trying all morning and failing miserably at getting an Easter themed photo of the girls. I got a large tray of hay with the knitted bunny and fluffy chicks.

Amber trampled the chicks and Mabel looked at the bunny in disgust.. This may be a challenge. This is the best photo I got all morning.

'I don't know what this is mummy, but I really don't want it near me when I'm eating..'

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well done for trying ! It's a lovely photo anyway.
Behaving like little monkeys all morning. Now that all the Easter props have been put away...


Oh I totally love that photo of them two snugglying up together! They are such beautiful girls.
Oh I totally love that photo of them two snugglying up together! They are such beautiful girls.

Thank you. They love to cuddle up together. I've never had any piggies that have loved to lay next to each other as much as these two.
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