Eating Poops

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Lady Kelly

Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
I've got Peter on my lap and he's all snuggled up. He just turned his back on me and then pooped :))

After this he turned around and ate one of them. It was one of the big, dark brown solid poops too! I have never ever seen him do it before. Why would a guine pig do this?
Guinea pigs make two different kind of poops at different times. They eat the second variety to digest further and extract more nutrients as well as restock their guts with vital bacteria and vitamin C which they cannot afford to lose. it is called coprophagy (the scientific Greek word for "poo eating").
I thought it was the soft ones you never saw that they ate. Maybe he was just being a disgusting boy!
Archie eats his if hes done them on a place he shouldnt (like my bed), so maybe he just wanted to clean up so you werent covered in poop.
Poe and Edgar sometimes don't even let them hit the floor.... they are wonderful contortionists.

My chins do it too :)
When Rambo was under the weather with her abscess and on baytril. I saw her pinching Lucky's vita-poops. Made me go aww to see Lucky being so helpful and attentive
Jude (my rabbit) once reached back while sitting beside me, plucked a poop from her behind, and proceeded to place it on my lap. It was one of those moments... So me, being the strange person I am, took it as a sign of gratitude for gracing her with my presence, took it from my lap, and pretended to nibble it. I've never seen her look so smug ;)
Archie eats his if hes done them on a place he shouldnt (like my bed), so maybe he just wanted to clean up so you werent covered in poop.

Might have been more convincing if he didn't curl up pretending to be asleep and do a massive pile of them straight afterwards though! He probably did the first and thought... I love you but I'm not eating all that!
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