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Eating What They Shouldn't

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*Rescue Buddy*
Senior Guinea Pig
May 13, 2015
Reaction score
I have just caught Pippin eating a bit of the cheap oil cloth fabric that is in their C&C cage.... Just worried it will do her harm ... Maybe I should not of got the grass design image.jpeg
I have just caught Pippin eating a bit of the cheap oil cloth fabric that is in their C&C cage.... Just worried it will do her harm ... Maybe I should not of got the grass design View attachment 43753

No, most likely not! Guinea pigs are very good at eating what they shouldn't (including wallpaper and all kinds of plastic), but they very rarely come to harm.

If necessary, keep an eye on them for the next 24 hours and see a promptly if there are problems.
I am fighting a running battle with mine getting under the fleece in their floor time pen and eating the shower curtain. Driving me mad!
I actually think they take great joy out of ripping things up and eating them. I used to have a couple of serial carpet eaters, i'm more than certain long term, it isn't good for them as carpet can't be digested and just travels through the system most of the time. It's why you can't take your eyes off of them when they're having floor time.
I accidently left a disposable glove in reach of one of mine. She ate the entire thumb from it and was fine. She's eaten Correx and vinyl table cloth too. In fact she's not the only one.... :)
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