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Effective Antibiotics For Chest Infection

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New Born Pup
Oct 12, 2012
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My little Binky is still with us despite having numerous reoccurring infections. She currently has a chest infection and I'm afraid this might be it. She is on baytril(0.8m) 1/8th tablet of ronoxan and metacam. Has anyone any experience of any other anti biotics that may help? Many thanks Jackie
There are a number of possible options but sometimes vets can be reluctant to prescribe them as in the UK they are not licensed for use in piggies.

It may be worth a try of Septrin, Zithromax or Marbocyl (these are all trade names not the drug names but vets should recognise them) Antibiotics can be difficult as different bugs are affected by different drugs and only a bacterial culture will tell for sure which will be effective for your piggy.....
Sorry I didn't get a notification of a reply. I am based near alfreton/ Chesterfield. The vet has suggested Zithromax but she has to order in and will get it at beginning of next week. Binky is very poorly. She is still eating a bit and I am supplementing with syringe feeding. She is fading. I am going to speak to vet this morning but thinking I may have to have her pts.
Can your vet give you a prescription for it? mine do and I get it from the chemist. Has she had any diuretic? If she is very poorly though then I agree the kindest thing may be to let her go. Just wanted to check what she had been given already first.
I've spoken to vet and she is going to order Zithromax but won't get it til Monday. I'm going to try to keep her going til then but I've discussed the possibility if she gets worse being able to take her to the vets tomorrow to have her put to sleep. She hasn't had any diuretic.
Ok, did the vet not think there was any fluid on her chest?
They've never been that concerned or seem to think there was when I've asked them. I think I'm going to have to take her tomorrow now and have her pts. She's worse. How do I know what is the piggy friendly way as my usual vet isn't there? I'm so upset I've not been able to get her through this.
has nebulising ever been suggested? this could really help ease her breathing.
Is there a different vet you could take her to as your vet does not seem to have covered everything.

You know her best though. If you do have to pts, mine have a whiff of gas before the injection though I have been told some vets use Ketamine.
i agree with finding a different vet (exotics) - these types of things, uri's, chest, etc, can take such a long time to treat and get under control. but there are different things to try yet. it's just whether your little one has the fight left in her. you know her best, but treatment wise, i don't think everything has been covered yet. x
Sadly Binky was pts this morning. She was too poorly for me to keep going til Monday. I'm very sad - she was one in a million and I've been privileged to have quite a few piggies in my time. Will miss her so much.
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