Enrichment for cats!

I really really wish they did babybelles prescription food in wet food version, a lickimat would be so good for her as she's having an allergy flare right now and overgrooming like crazy (she's at the vets Saturday for a full health check and likely adjust her steroid dose) I think Effie wants to be an indoor/outdoor she is very interested in going out we've just got to wait until her spay and chip 24/03, babybelle is inside for health reasons but also because she's never shown any interest, but I worry more with her enrichment as she doesn't go out!
Which prescription food is she on?
Do Royal Canin do a hypoallergenic wet food?
Not that I can find, they have a sensitivity control but it's not the same thing 😣 I plan on asking the vet Saturday if there's any wet food options for her but I've to date not been able to find any! 😣 I've tried mixing dry food with water and mushinng it which she used to eat but now refuses 🙄
Not that I can find, they have a sensitivity control but it's not the same thing 😣 I plan on asking the vet Saturday if there's any wet food options for her but I've to date not been able to find any! 😣 I've tried mixing dry food with water and mushinng it which she used to eat but now refuses 🙄
I pet sit a cat who has severe allergies but also bladder issues. They've changed him onto a completely wet food diet now, as he kept getting a blocked bladder. I can ask Simon, when I see him tomorrow, what he would suggest.
I pet sit a cat who has severe allergies but also bladder issues. They've changed him onto a completely wet food diet now, as he kept getting a blocked bladder. I can ask Simon, when I see him tomorrow, what he would suggest.
That would be great thankyou! We've not had any bladder issues touch wood but I think I'm going to ask to do a urine test on her as she's never had one and it is included with our health plan anyway and she's recently started getting the cat zoomies after weeing, and also seems to be visiting the litter tray a lot!
Do you know what her allergies are? What symptoms does she have? Is it just the overgrooming?
Ear discharge and intense itching, she will literally rip chunks out of herself, explosive diahhrea at times, overgrooming, occasional vomiting but that's mostly under control now, eye discharge and redness round the eyes, sneezing, coughing, snoring and occasional open mouth breathing, she seems to be allergic to pretty much everything! Except beef! Normal senior cat food gives her explosive diahhrea, I did wonder if she could be allergic to the timothy hay!
Don't get me wrong despite all this she's a very happy girl and her allergies are usually well controlled, we lowered the steroids a month ago as she was drinking and peeing a lot, I think we just need to up them again 😁 I'm just always looking for ways to improve her life 😍
Don't get me wrong despite all this she's a very happy girl and her allergies are usually well controlled, we lowered the steroids a month ago as she was drinking and peeing a lot, I think we just need to up them again 😁 I'm just always looking for ways to improve her life 😍
Have you tried immunotherapy?
I don't know a lot about it, but I am pretty sure it is what George, who I look after, has. I have just found this! Immunotherapy in Cats - Procedure, Efficacy, Recovery, Prevention, Cost
It looks interesting, its not something any of the vets we've seen have mentioned though and we saw a specialist for her ears who determined (after hundreds of pounds of tests) that it was in fact her allergies causing the ear issues too 😣 she did amazing on her initial steroid dose! She was like a new cat, I think we will just have to up it again unless the vet has any more magic suggestions on Saturday! I'm definitely going to see if they want a wee sample though! The initial steroid didn't work for her but the second steroid we tried did until recently, so 🤞 for Saturday and I'll do some more hunting for enrichment she'll be interested in, she likes climbing and scratching and catnip toys so she does play 😺 xx
So I forgot to ask about different food options but I've found this James well beloved that's hypoallergenic and aimed at the right life stage and wet food 😍 I think she's had lamb before in actual meat form and not reacted so I'm going to give it a shot with a lickimat, going to try the tree for her cat food too, shes piling on the pounds now weighing in at 4.7kg and I'm convinced it's down to the ha food being high in calories so I'd love to get her off it. Other than the allergies she got a clean bill of health so just this to tackle now! She's had her steroid dose reupped in the meantime!


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Guess who's learnt to use her puzzle feeder tree feeder thingy during lockdown 😍 yup babybelle has finally mastered it! Fingers crossed it helps control her weight, she's been the best teaching assistant this week too, helping me plan work for the small hoomans 😍 so proud of her 💖