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Episode 8 of Chef-Guinea!

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Jan 23, 2006
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Hi people!

We are ever so sorry for not doing one til now! I have so many fans! :-* :-* I love you all (even if I peed on you yesterday 2funny!)

Here we go!

Hmmmmm, Uncle Ton, what can I do for the nice people? They were all so great yesterday!


Ah-ha! What's those? I can do something with them, yes? Uncle Ton said I can put something in them, but he's been on the pop again - I can make something WITH them, I say!


Hey look, Uncle Ton! I can balance - ok, daddy is holding me... errrr Uncle Ton, what does balance mean again?


Hmm chocolate - that looks nice mummy! Shall I put that in them green things then? Uncle Ton, what is green?


Mummy says to put it in the fridge.. Uncle T....... (Tonic) Oh do be quiet with all the questions! I'll put it in the fridge to keep it nice and cool. You go and sort out the milk, ther's a good boy.


What's this white stuff Uncle Ton? Tonic just rolls his eyes! ::) ::) Kids!?


Guinea storms off in a sulk and hides!


Guinea please come out we all plead. Just turn around, even!
Uncle Ton can do it, I'm gonna eat this label!


Bad timing for a nap, lad.. this *yum* sticky *yum* chocolatey *yum* stuff is very *yum* yum! It's all over my nose now!


Is it meant to look like that Uncle Ton? It looks like a mud pie.... what is mud?


Who cares Guinea-lad.. it tastes good whatever it looks like! You have a lot to learn!


That's all folks!

See you all soon for another Episode of Chef-Guinea! :) :)

Love, Guinea, Tonic, and Mummy (a.k.a Kelly) xx
Great to see you two guys in action again! ;D

Poor old Uncle Tonic having to put up with pesky Chef Guinea. I bet Ton had a lovely quiet day on Saturday!
LOL thanx all! Ton was still sleepy when we got back! Think he was up to something! ::)
Yay chef Guinea is back,,, Arun will be pleased :D
I was so overcome to meet a supernova of stage and screen at the party. Darling little Guinea you are even more beautiful face to face (or sitting on my knee) than you are on the big screen. And how about Uncle Ton? What a star! The pair of you knock all other twosome acts into a colander!

I'm delighted to see you put your noses (gorgeous and furry) to the grindstone, to produce another episode for us fans. Choccy mousse is lovely, Guinea, but a bit messy (see Uncle Ton), and you can't afford to mess up your beautiful auburn locks.

What will you cook next time? Apple pie, perhaps, as a good early autumn dish, and I can't wait to see the pair of you tackle Hallowe'en - in costume of course!

Love, Caroline
:-[ *Poor little Guin wants Uncle-Ton to write*

Thank you so much Caroline! Guinea told me allabout the day out and how wonderful it was to see you all there! I was sound asleep enjoying the hutch to myself! ;D

Guin's gone all embarrassed now - he's a lovely shade of red! I had the lovely mousse in my hair, and boy was it lovely! Mummy let me have a couple of sponfuls! mmmm mmmm!

Guinea says that we can make an apple pie next time! I like apples so I can sit eating them and watching the little un!

Love Uncle-Ton and Guinea x
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