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Eriathwens piggies

Good luck tomorrow morning at the vets. She is stunningly beautiful.
So I'm sat waiting for the vets to open at half past to cancel Cinnamons appointment..I've no idea what happened, but not long before I went to get her into her carrier to head off for our appointment, she passed away. I'm devastated, but it looks like she lay down to sleep and just didn't wake up, which is probably one of the better ways to go at least. I wasn't ready to lose another and I so, so wasn't expecting it to be her when the time did come.
Oh what?!? I'm so sorry for your loss what a shock for you. She is having fun with all your passed piggies at the Rainbow Bridge now.
I am so very sorry to hear your very sad news, sending you and your piggies massive hugs. X
Thankyou, I'm still in shock..of all the scenarios I had imagined and tried to plan for, waking up to find her gone was not one of them. She was perfectly fine last night, wandering around the room, having a cuddle and posing for pictures..came running for her dinner. I knew something wasn't right when I saw her in Treacles hide, she always took the far off one and shared it with Ebony..but it seems she had gone over to Treacle at the end for some comfort because she never really sat in that one.

And poor Ebony, that is 2 friends now in 3 months she has lost, she is very quiet. I'll get the pair of them out in a little bit for a run and a cuddle, try to cheer them up.
Aw, I’m so sorry you have lost Cinnamon, what an awful shock for you. Sending you and your piggies big hugs x
Sleep tight little one x
The baby of the family, Panda, has just sat and watched Robin Hood with me as a distraction. We've been working on her biting, she's not a fan of being handled at all, but she's getting there..it's more of a slightly painful, over enthusiastic nibble/grooming now rather than bites.
They're all very aware that there's been another loss, the room is absolutely silent. Hopefully veggies at 6 will pick them up again.
I am so very sorry to hear this news.
What a shock for you.
Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself time and space to grieve.
Holding you in my heart
Thankyou, it means so much to have you all here that understand. I'm not looking forward to facing the crematorium tomorrow, it's always so difficult leaving them.. but once that hurdle is over and they're back home, things start to feel better.
We're thinking when the dust settles, we will look for someone to join Treacle and Ebony, it's becoming more and more obvious Treacle (and Cinnamon) were older than we originally believed.. I would hate for anything to happen to her and for Ebony to be all alone again, plus I think another friend would help bring Treacle out of herself a little more, she has certainly come on in leaps and bounds since meeting Ebony.
But that's a thought for another day, they're both doing as well as can be expected for now, so no need to rush anything.
Just got back from the crematorium dropping Cinnamon off. Ivory seemed to want to come out so we're having a nice snuggle, she makes a great scarf although I think she's going to pee on me soon!
But she's good company and lovely and warm so oh well.

She's home again, I feel much better now she's back. I can't believe how much heavier even her ashes are compared to the other 3 piggies we've had cremated, she really was a gentle giant.
Her footprints turned out lovely and we even got a hair clipping which I forgot to ask for. Now, not to tempt fate but if that could be the last time I see that crematorium for a while, I'd very much appreciate it!

Oh that's a really lovely keepsake! These crematoriums really care don't they?
I've decided I'm going to set up some shelves along the main wall of the piggy room where I can put everyone's caskets and footprints with a nice canvas of them above, so I can still see their faces and talk to them all.
The crematorium is so, so lovely and the staff are always so kind. Makes it easier that they don't think I'm mad for being so upset.

Panda has been out for more cuddles, she felt happy enough to eat some pellets while she was out but managed to get a few well aimed nips in on her way back, little bugger haha she's such a character.
