Eriathwens piggies

Bless him, I wouldn't have thought he would have been in much pain at all if any, they tend to let us know when peeing and everything in that area hurts, Treacle didn't make a peep with her first one until I removed it, there were no signs of anything until I found the lump. The only thing that made me have a feel was she peed and started chattering her teeth, which made me suspicious.
My biggest issue is I always want to save the day, I suppose I have a bit of a hero complex :roll:, like if I just try hard enough I can make everything ok again. Dealing with Leonard has been a real challenge, I don't want to deprive him of good days by putting him to sleep too early, just in case my stupid need to help is just making him suffer, but.. I have seen a study where someone managed to recalcify the bones to a pretty normal level over a 3 year period with calcium supplements and dietary changes and I so wish I could somehow do that for him.
My brain is pretty fried from jumping from idea to idea of what I could try next to help each of them, I actually have a list I need to take with me to the vets of ideas for Ebony and Leonard once he's dealt with Treacle, because bless him he always asks after the others when another goes in.

That is an excellent mantra which I think sums things up perfectly, they have no concept of time or quantity, just quality. And as long as we can give them quality, we did right by them I think.

Also, if I'm rambling I apologise, it's been enough of a day that ive poured myself a stiff drink XD
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Bracken squeaked and grunted when peeing but Willow never showed any sign.
Enjoy your drink you deserve it, I gave up alcohol last year as I'm trying to rebuild the vet fund! There are a couple of unopened bottles in the kitchen for special occasions they call occasionally but I'm being strong, once opened I will want more.
I'm off to try and sleep now, it's so windy here I'm not sure I'll manage much.
I hope you slept well! Luckily the wind died down here after a while, the cat likes to run around and shout weather reports all night if it's windy or raining XD
I've only recently started drinking again, it seemed a little necessary! Hopefully I won't have a reason to soon haha
After fluctuating wildly for most of the day, Treacles weight has stabilised at about 900g again and has stayed the same for the last 6 hours, whereas before she was making 30g jumps up or down depending on how long ago she had been given critical care. Hopefully that means whatever tomorrow vet visit throws at us, we're in the best position to tackle It, especially if it involves surgery. She was fairly quiet this morning which worried me but she is back to being quite fiesty :)

Hurdle number one over, we're still alive the morning of the appointment!

Unfortunately she is the lowest weight she's been so far at 866g and has soft poops again :( only 4 hours to wait until we can get her seen though. She's still very bright and cheerful.
Well today was terrible. The lump I found is likely a cyst, under the skin, but not whats causing her issues. There is a mass in her abdomen the size of a golf ball, options were palliative care or surgery so she is booked in Monday to figure out what it is. Best case scenario is its ovarian and she can be spayed and problem solved. It seems pretty mobile so if it's a tumour hopefully it's not attached to anything vital. If it's attached to the kidney then I don't know.. I guess we wont be waking her up again as removing a kidney seems a little risky? It's not something he's done before anyway.
I am so sorry you haven't had better news. I've everything crossed for you that the news is better on Monday. My vets do remove kidney's, usually because of stones, it would have been an option for Bracken's stone if he hadn't had all his other problems as well.
So sorry for your news.
Hopefully surgery on Monday will be successful.
It’s the waiting and not knowing exactly what you’re dealing with that’s so hard.
Will be keeping you in my thoughts over the weekend
Thankyou both, i'm trying to stay positive and keep in mind that she is an extremely hormonal, grumpy little madam, which would point to an ovarian issue, which is the best case scenario, but the way my luck has been going.. i'm just glad I have a vet who I trust to do his best.
So sorry to read your bad news. Wishing you all the luck for Monday, hope your vet can get her sorted and she makes a full recovery x
As of last night i've started to do feeds during the night too, hopefully it will just be until she's had surgery so it's not too much to ask really, bless her! It seems to have perked her up a little bit and he weight is still stable, i've bought some more beetroot, corn was reduced so some of that too, parsnips, butternut squash..trying to find something she's not too picky about that will help add to her weight..she seems to have been won over by the fennel :)

The herd are the same as ever, good as gold :) took some pictures of them with their dinner.

I'll try mine on fennel then and and some beetroot. I'll have to remember not to freak out cos of red wee's and poops though:yikes:

I always manage to freak out about the red poops! Some of them come out purple lol fennel smells amazing but I can't imagine eating it but it's a big hit with my lot!

Treacle has gained 20g all by herself, just weighed her before I go and give her another syringe feed, that's the first weight gain done under her own steam for a week so I am happy :) she's not given up just yet!

Also, Delilahs gone and eaten herself into a food coma and I can't stop laughing bless her, I know exactly how she feels!
Sorry you're having such a tough time of things with your piggies health lately, but they look as beautiful and well fed as ever- healing wheeks and hugs! X
I’ve just caught up with your thread. I have everything crossed for you on Monday.
And in the meantime I love the photos of piggies scoffing corn. The mess those guys can make with the juice and the skins. Bet they think Christmas has come again.
What a trying time you are having. Hope all goes well on Monday. Sending healing vibes. 💕
They've certainly made a mess with the corn, in hindsight I should have given it to them before cleaning them out not after Lol! Thankyou for all the support, it really means a lot!
Treacle is 920g at the moment which isn't bad at all considering! At least her weight isn't going down still and she's happy to sit and eat hay in between syringes :) I'm really hoping that means she will pick up eating again soon after her surgery, fingers crossed.
They are the most shiniest coats on piggies I’ve ever seen. Hope all goes well for. Monday x
Aw thanks guys! She's doing well today, I found the bag of Oat flour I thought I had accidentally thrown out, really good ingredient to add a pinch of when syringe feeding as it bulks them up a little, she's only had it once so far but is up to 937g! Hopefully by Monday she will have plenty of weight to fall back on if she doesn't bounce back right away after her surgery...I do wish it would hurry up though. Because there's only so much room inside her it is pushing all her other organs, which is why she's not really eating as much, now her breathing is becoming a little laboured due to things being pushed against the lungs.

I'm so tired from the night feedings, I even forgot to have dinner! And seeing as I can't act on my desire to get terribly drunk from all the bad news I've had lately, I went out today and filled our freezer with ice cream XDXD
I've tried so hard to be strong for her today, but I'm painfully aware that it may well have been the last we will spend together. I let her have her pre veggie snack out in the fresh air on my lap on her snugglesafe heat pad, listening to the birds and feeling the breeze before the sun goes down. Now she's back tucked up with Ebony and I'm a bit of a mess :doh:

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It's so hard to get through these times, sending you hugs and very best wishes. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
I know it's hard for you but Treacle lives for each day and she doesn't know anythings wrong. Piggies think that every day that they haven't been eaten is a good day. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and hope that the prognosis is good. If not then the forum will be here to support you. :hug::hug:
Thankyou guys, as always, I really appreciate having you all here :) she's doing really well considering how fed up she seemed this morning and her weight is up to 945g, she's eaten a nice big pile of grass and seems really well rested and perky, I've moved her syringe feeds a little closer together for the final 24 hours before surgery. I don't think there's much more I could be doing to tip the balance in her favour so all I can do is cross my fingers and hope luck is on her side. I've already told her she's not to wander off to try to find Cinnamon while she's asleep, not just yet, anyway! All that's left to do is give lots of cuddles and take lots of pictures, which I usually do anyway.