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Eurovision 2015

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Anniversary Herd
Jul 5, 2014
Reaction score
Wigan, UK
So come on, I know we have a few fans on here! Let's get together and celebrate!

Semi finals this week and the big finale on saturday night! I wasn't into Eurovision growing up, but if you take it for what it is (a bit of a laugh) it's good fun. I don't get involved in the voting or politics etc, but I've found a fair few good artists out of this competition :)
We rarely watch TV, but we always watch the Eurovision. Oh I know, certain countries will vote for each other and boycotte others regardless of how much the like the song (or not) but we still like the show :)
We NEVER keep up with anything to do with it though before the event and simply watch the final, then all of the acts are a total surprise to us. I haven't even got a clue who our (UK) entry is! Therefore I will be avoiding this thread completely until the comp's over! :) x
Our UK entry is quite catchy, though I know it won't be for everyone!
I think it's a good entry :) I haven't seen the others yet. I do like watching the semi finals too :) There are so many good artists on here as well as the funny ones, i've found lots of good songs. I love getting into the Eurovision spirit!
Hang on... Australia isnt in the Europe? What?! How?
The UK could enter the best song on earth but we would still get nil prois :doh:

Love a bit of neighbouring country voting. I always guess (and mostly get right) who they will give their top points too. Normally the country's around them.
Wonder what Russia and Ukraine will do this year :yikes:
Australia are entering as it's huge in Australia and it's the 60th birthday of eurovision so they have been allowed to enter this once :)
Oh.. Whateven, bet ital turn into a mass world thing after that! God how annoying, I don't think that's right!
I don't bother anymore. Used to watch it every year. It's just too much cheese for me. Any good songs ,not that there are many, never win any more. Still it's a bit of entertainment . Xx if you set aside the politics of certain countties. Xx
Yeah I don't bother with the politics. A lot of good artists these past couple of years too. I definitely enjoy it!
"We're Slavic girls we know how to use our charming beauty, so shake what your mamma gave you, clap you hands to this music. This is our nature, this is our call, this is our hot slavic blood!"
Australia get's one shot at Eurovision. It's all very exciting and a very big thing...so who do they pick? Guy Sebastian - oh he's a great pop artist but already internationally famous, boring and not Eurovision material! let down.
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