Excessive drinking?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
Surrey UK
I got my new piggie on Sunday night, and I've noticed that he's drinking a LOT... he's gone through over a bottle of water since Sunday. Is this normal or does it mean he might have a problem? e.g diabetes? My other pigs don't go through half the amount of water he does. ..mallethead
mines the same,timmy drinks loads!ive noticed the guinz with crowns do drink more,as my neighbours are the same,sunny now hardly drinks any.
he's nearly finished a bottle in a day :s I filled it up last night and there's about 2cm left!
yup, he's eating right now! He's so energetic so maybe that's why he's so thirsty? He zooms round his cage the speed of lightening, in his house, under his house, over his tray, onto his house, through the tube.. back to the house etc etc. He's a right little monkey.
yep he gets veg twice a day, a mixture of whatever's around , carrot, kale, broccoli, baby sweetcorn etc. And he eats it all up :))

I don't know then .. it can be a sign of diabetes, hunger, malocussion but you say he is eating fine.

Maybe he just likes his water :P
yep, I just tried him with a baby tomato (my other two don't like them) but he is munching on it :) I was told he was 6 months but he seems/looks a lot younger...
could be a sign of diabetes.... When humans are diabetic and don't treat it it makes them very thirsty.....hope he is ok...
I have a couple of very thirsty piggies who drain a water bottle easily, they are happy and healthy and eating well.
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