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Experiences of Joint/bone infection

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
West Wales
One of my three rescue boars (imaginatively named GP in previous home and it stuck rolleyes) wasn't putting any weight on his leg. Upon investigation the leg was obviously swollen around the hip joint and he was reluctant to move it. Although did not complain when examining the area. After an xray the vet found it was most likely an infection of the hip joint and/or bone or a growth. She wasn't sure so consulted the visiting exotics vet on Monday who looked at the xrays and confirmed most likely infection. GP is now on metacam, baytril and flagyl as well as a pro and pre biotic but the vet says the outlook in guarded. GP is eating well and doing everything piggies should do just with a bit if a hop. He is so good at taking his meds and loves his pro/prebiotics so I'm really pleased he isn't unwell in himself. Obviously can't help being worried anyway but since any deep infection like this is hard to shift I'm very worried.

Does anyone have any experiences with anything similar? I'd be very grateful of your experiences and especially outcomes, although I know that every piggie is different and outcomes will vary but it would be good to gather as much information as possible.

Thank you for reading,

Clare, GP, Piglet and Harley xx
I dont have any experience of Guinea pigs getting joint infections also none as septic artheritis but i do of other animals. It can be serious depending on the patient on how severe the infection is etc, but it doesnt mean it is.

I'm glad to here that GP is eating and drinking well and well in himself otherwise. I'm glad he has some metacam on board, septic artheritis can be very painful. But treated well, as is being done by the sounds of things he should within time make a good recoevery. It may take a while, as you are correct, infections in joints and bones can be very hard to sort out, if he doesnt make an improvement the vet may well add another antibiotic, for now he's on Enrofloxacin (Bayril) and Metronidazole (Flagyl) but the vet may add another, as infections are sometimes got best by using three.

The only warning that I would have, although obviously, theres no telling how he will do is that he may well always have problems and artheritis within that joint unfortunatly. But you never know, guinea pigs are much more hardy creatures than many people think.

I hope GP gets better soon.

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Hi Abi,

Thank you for your reply. The exotics vet did mention that he saw a touch of arthritis in the xrays, which could have been caused by the infection or could have already been there and even been part of the cause of the infection. GP is 3-4 years old but the lady that surrendered him wasn't sure even though she'd had them from babies. From my own research guinea pigs can get arthritis at quite a young age so his age may well be correct. It makes sense that he may have problems with arthritis is that leg but it wasn't something I'd thought about so thanks for pointing that out.

I forgot to say he has been given a 6 week course of the antibiotic combination which is good as I get frustrated with vets that try to give 5 day courses of Baytril for everything (well that is what I usually find and is what the original vet prescribed until she consulted the exotics vet). It's also refreshing to find a vet that will prescribe more than one antibiotic at a time but is years of struggling to get 'off license' medication for pet rats speaking.

The Metacam is a bit short I think as it was the tiny 3ml cat bottle when in the past we've had the larger and stronger dog version for degus with teeth problems. I'm not sure how far the small bottle will go but I'm sure they will prescribe more if needed. I think the swelling appears to have lessened today after a couple of days on the Metacam. That may be wishful thinking but GP is being positive so I'm trying to be too.

Thank you again for your experiences.

Clare x
Just to update GP is doing really well. The swelling has gone down considerably today and he has started putting weight on the leg again. Fingers crossed he continues to improve.

*goes off to add exotics vet Lance Jepson to a recommended vets list*
Thank you for the well wishes. Fingers crossed his leg seems better again today.
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