extra toe?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Oct 4, 2010
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
I decided to give 2 of my boys their first bath cos they were getting abit on the smelly side. I gave Gizmo his bath first, have to say I might as well had a bath with him the amount of water he splashed at me haha. But anyway I noticed he's got an extra toes on his back foot, it looks like its literally hanging on by a thin piece of skin... its hard to tell cos he doesn't like to be held or cuddled he likes to have a nose about if I have managed to pick him up. Ive checked Dongle & Mushkin and they haven't got any extra toes. Gizmo is an abyssinian guinea pig I don't know if that has anything to do with the extra toe.

Has anyone come across this with their guinea's?
Yes! My Terry has an extra toe, it's called polydactyly and it's not tooo rare . It's odd though, Terry's also looks like he has no feeling it it and it's hanging on but he does (I accidently pinched it when cutting the nail!). It should be fine as it is but if you notice it goes manky e.g. he's caught it on something get it looked at by the vet. :)

Terry& Doris
Here is more about polydactlyly:

Whether you need to have the extra toe removed depends on how well it is attached. If it is no bother and not so thinly attached that it can tear of very easily, I would leave it on. If in doubt, ask a vet.
Thanks for the information =) I don't think its bothering him but will have a good look incase his claw isn't going into his foot or anything. Thanks again!
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