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Eye emergency.. Winny

Winny's eye is hopefully improving as the redness has definitely gone a little bit.

She really doesn't like me getting her out so much but is really good when I am doing the eye drops...

Fingers crossed for continued improvement..
Aww that's good imagine that x 7 😂 all of my pigs hate me now for having to give them antibiotics. 😂
All the best for a speedy recovery for Winston! I know what you mean, you see something and it makes you think.....
Definitely! I'm glad Winnie is improving that was a very speedy recovery! Hopefully she'll be back to her old self in no time xx
Definitely! I'm glad Winnie is improving that was a very speedy recovery! Hopefully she'll be back to her old self in no time xx
I can see some improvement but we have a vets appointment Friday to check her out...fingers crossed x
Aw bless her, it is looking so much less angry compared to her first pics! Hope she continues to improve, go Winny :luv: x
Keep up the good work - that is looking much better than the first photos (those ones made me feel queasy tbh).
Up-Date Friday 12th Feb - winny has been for a check up today with Ellie@Derwent Valley vets and I am happy to say its all good news! Her eye has healed really well,... I have to continue with the eye drops for a while until the cloudy ness goes away...

So pleased she won't be one eyed Winny ....
Great news, glad Winny has recovered so well.xx