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Eye Infection

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Salford Lancashire
hi guys been away in hospital for a while so not posted recently. While away my family took excellent care of my piggies for me. I came home on Friday all seemed well. My boys were happy to see me ! . On Sunday noticed a little pink round murrays eye , super paranoid after losing two piggies last year, so I took him to the vet today. He's got an eye infection, and one starting in his other eye. Been prescribed maxitrol three times a day. Just wondering if there is anything I should be looking out for ? I'm really worried thanku x
Oh no, sorry to hear about that. I have missed you around the forum.
I have no advice, just want to send vibes to Murray. x
Hi and welcome back! I hope that you are recovering well.

Things should hopefully heal well with regular application of the eye drops. If the symptoms are not starting to go down within the next week, please see your vet again, any time if they if there is a deterioration.

I find it useful to distract my piggies with a bowl of fresh food on my lap (the piggies facing away from me); once they are absorbed, they are a lot less finicky about my attempts to get the drops into sore eyes. Piggies thankfully done't multitask! :)
Hi and welcome back! I hope that you are recovering well.

Things should hopefully heal well with regular application of the eye drops. If the symptoms are not starting to go down within the next week, please see your vet again, any time if they if there is a deterioration.

I find it useful to distract my piggies with a bowl of fresh food on my lap (the piggies facing away from me); once they are absorbed, they are a lot less finicky about my attempts to get the drops into sore eyes. Piggies thankfully done't multitask! :)
Unfortunately only been able to administer his drops twice a day , he's been soo good about it. Mind you I think he's loving the extra treats and hugs ! x
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