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Eye Injury?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 19, 2011
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Hey guys. Last night I noticed one of Casran's eyes was a bit swollen.

It's calmed down a lot today. It doesn't seem to be bothering him but I know there are a lot of very experienced members here so...

I would keep a close eye on the eye and if necessary have him vet checked. Also switch to weighing him daily at the same time.
It looks like a little ulcer? Please have him seen by a vet promptly if you are worried about the eyes.
It looks like a little ulcer? Please have him seen by a vet promptly if you are worried about the eyes.

I'm going to, definitely.

Do you know what the treatment normally is - just so I can prepare myself for what the vet might say.
Just been reading up on guinea lynx too. Poor little chap x
He'll be likely to get eye drops/gel, which are usually quite effective. Sorry, my computer didn't upload the picture properly. Good that you have booked him in. Eye injuries/ulcers can come on pretty quickly, but they generally heal off well as long as you get the gel in on a regular basis. If necessary, distract him with his favourite food.
It is possible that he has got a bit of hay stuck under the eye lid and has been scratching at it. If you can find it, you may be able to wash it out with clean cold water. Then; ditto what Wiebke said.
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