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FAO Caroline and Lucinda

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Feb 17, 2006
Reaction score
Yorkshire Uk
Sending Piggy Kisses your way


...for the lovely thank you card I recieved this morning. I was soooooooo excited when I saw the little green handwritten envelope... I thought yippe :) good post- not a bill ;). Someone loves me lol :D

...opened it up and its a lovely little card with a bun bun on it and a lovely message from you both.
So I have posted some piccys of my most doctor-like piggy (and he's not really very Doctor like I'm afraid) for you guys to say thanks. A lovely thing to do but really I had such a great time myself!


By the way the Piggy is Bubba, the piggy I was telling you about with the chewed off ears and one eye. Doesn't seem to bother him one bit and doesn't he just take the nicest photo?
Awwwww, he is gorgeous! I love the one with him and tha banana!

I hope Ellie and Kate's cards arrived safely too!
Thank you so much Lucinda and Caroline. It was so unexpected to receive a card and was so nice after a horrible day at work to get such a lovely card. anim
I found mine on the mat when I got home this evening! I was such a lovely gesture - thankyou so much!

The kiss for Spock has been delivered too!
So glad you enjoyed the cards. You all put in so much effort and it was the best day out I've had in ages!
Thanks for the piggy kisses and the absolutely sweet pictures of Bubba. He is gorgeous, and now I know so many wonderful little piggies. This morning I had a l----o----n----g session at the dentist, and it was much better than usual because I just thought about the party and the fun we had there, and all of you people and piggies. Let me recommend this as a good technique when dental appointments loom up.

The fund raising day was so much fun that we should do it again, and hope that lots more people manage to come. I think congrats should go to Kellie and party and to you, Susie, for travelling a long way on the hopeless train service that day.

Thank you again to the organisers - I had a lovely time and haven't been to as good a party for years.

Love, Caroline x
Lucinda said:
So glad you enjoyed the cards. You all put in so much effort and it was the best day out I've had in ages!

I am really pleased both you and Caroline had a good day. I did too and hope that everybody else who went also had a fab day :) Will defintely have to so something like this again in the future.
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