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First Aid Kit - What Should I Have?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 15, 2014
Reaction score
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
As a new piggy mummy and having seen some of the recent sad posts on piggies going over the rainbow bridge, I thought I should really get together a First Aid kit for the piggies as, if anything like my daughter, things ever do happen (big fingers crossed they don't) it'll be on a weekend or Bank Holiday. So I was wondering (a) what should I have in the kit? and (b) where can I get it from?. Many thanks :roll:
Some things that I try to have on hand is a styptic pencil (for accidental nail injuries), Critical Care for emergency feeding and a syringe to go with it, and then just miscellaneous products I have acquired over the years (I have an antibiotic wash and a topical antibiotic left over from abscess treatment that I got from my vet, an antifungal cream from past treatment, plus I have written out some important dates of major illnesses and dosing info for meds, which is more for when I have to leave them with my mom and dad if I'm going away and they aren't as familiar with the histories.) Hope this helps a bit!
Oh, and the vet's business card, because you can never find the phone number in a panic when you need it!
Some things that I try to have on hand is a styptic pencil (for accidental nail injuries), Critical Care for emergency feeding and a syringe to go with it, and then just miscellaneous products I have acquired over the years (I have an antibiotic wash and a topical antibiotic left over from abscess treatment that I got from my vet, an antifungal cream from past treatment, plus I have written out some important dates of major illnesses and dosing info for meds, which is more for when I have to leave them with my mom and dad if I'm going away and they aren't as familiar with the histories.) Hope this helps a bit!
Thanks freela. There are some useful tips there. Plus the vet card.
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