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Fleecy Beds, Tunnels And Hideaways

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Maisy and Poppy

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Well, I have thought about getting a fleecy hideaway, tunnel or something else ... for my piggies but I have no idea what they would like best. What is your piggies favourite fleecy toy. Where did you get it from? Which is the best company and why? There are so many companies including pigs in blankets ...
Gus+walters stuff is fantastic.

To answer your question about mine, the smaller ones fit two piggies in, the larger igloo's fit 3 in :) They were £8ish each.
Most of mine are from Snoozies Cozies but I have a few from Cavy Couture too and C and E cozies. Katie skinny loves her cozies but the others all prefer their little beds. We also have a sofa from Steph's Piggiee paradise which is a hit with Ellie's group at the moment.
My boy's favourite is a pigtop I got from piggiepigpigs and piglu (photos below). He also loves the tunnel I made.- my first attempt so it's not too great. I haven't really ordered many cosy items yet as i'm planning to make some myself. My other favourite seller is Sarah from Squeak Dreams. She makes some really fab stuff and I placed a custom order.ill post some photos when it arrives. image.jpgimage.jpg
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