Flo Chewed A Bit Of Vinyl- Will She Be Ok?

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Jen H

Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 12, 2014
Reaction score
Manchester, uk
It was the corner of some vinyl flooring I'd just put in a corner under some fleece.
I am sure she will be fine. Lola has chewed something off a picnic basket once, only small amount, similar to vinyl, and she has been ok since.
Just keep an eye on her, if you have any concern take her to the vet.
Spandau ballet? That's ok then. If it had of been bros or new kids on the block that would have been a different matter.
We've had pigs eat the plastic floor covering before now and the've been fine. I'm sure it will be in this case. Just keep an eye on her and monitor poo output.
I am sure she will be fine. Lola has chewed something off a picnic basket once, only small amount, similar to vinyl, and she has been ok since.
Just keep an eye on her, if you have any concern take her to the vet.

We've had pigs eat the plastic floor covering before now and the've been fine. I'm sure it will be in this case. Just keep an eye on her and monitor poo output.
Thanks very much, that's put my mind at rest. She seems okay- isn't coughing- so I'll keep an eye on her. I hadn't put this in before so she must have thought it was a new treat! She looked really cross when I moved it!
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