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Found A Lump :-(

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 11, 2014
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I got rowdy what 2 weeks ago and I've just gone to stroke him and I have found a lump. I would say it feels a bit like a jelly bean and moves around (in a certain area) I haven't noticed it until this evening and I was gentle stroking him with my finger. It is situated between his head/neck and shoulder and is on his left side? Does anyone know what this might be? Am really worried
Take a look in here, you might find it useful: http://www.guinealynx.info/lumps.html
Also, maybe if you post a photo of the lump someone in the forum can help you better. I don't really know much about that so I can't really help, but I hope its nothing serious.
Take a look in here, you might find it useful: http://www.guinealynx.info/lumps.html
Also, maybe if you post a photo of the lump someone in the forum can help you better. I don't really know much about that so I can't really help, but I hope its nothing serious.
Thank you I'll have a look.. You can't see anything only feel it so I can't take a picture, well I can but you won't see anything
Lumps can be any number of things and probably not just limited to fatty lumps, tumours or abscesses. I would say your best bet is a visit to the vet where they can investigate further. My Peter has tons of lumps (at the time of diagnosis we could only feel 2-3), the vet took biopsies from the biggest lump and when that was inconclusive I opted for surgery to remove. My vet was very concerned as when she went in there were loads of lumps and she hadn't seen anything like it before so thought it was cancer, however, the lumps are just fatty lumps which are fairly harmless and common in piggies. He has been going for well over 18 months-2 years with these lumps which are still growing (given the number he has it was impossible to start removing them all). He's getting old now so I have decided not to operate on him again but to be honest the lumps aren't at a stage where they are causing him discomfort or affecting his ability to move about (he still tries to give popcorning a go when they get fresh hay).

Basically it will be impossible for anyone to diagnose without further investigation. Get him to a vets for a check over and hopefully you get good news.
Sending healing vibes Jelly Beans way and hope the vets trip goes well. At the end of the day even if it isn't the best news, the earlier it's dealt with the better his chances :)
Thank you well we are going to the vets at 3.30. I will update when I get home, I assume we won't find out what exactly it is today but have. Better idea.
Good luck, hope it's nothing serious. My remaining boy is covered in lumps that have been there for years and never grown in size since I found them, and had them checked out at the vets.
It may well be nothing to worry about but it's always worthwhile to get them checked out to be on the safe side. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Good luck, let us know how you get on. X
Hope all goes well x
Well, he had a local anesthetic and had a test for puss etc and nothing came out so looks more like a growth :-( they are sending it off to the lab to find out what it is.. She did say there was a really really thick something in the middle but doesn't know what it is. I'm pretty convinced she thinks it's a growth.
Could be an abscess, if it grows really quickly that may well be what it is. My Fred had a lump under his chin and after it was aspirated it increased in size quite significantly I'd keep an eye on it. Fred's turned out to be an abscess. X
My late Suzie had a large hard lump on her left shoulder for about four years. It never bothered her. If you can move it, then it is not attached to muscle and probably just an abscess, as in Suzie's case. It eventually started to leak and I emptied it. It did not grow back - at least not in the same place!
The vet doesn't think it's an abcess but I've got antibiotics anyway.. She is more pushed to some sort of growth :-( poor roddy!
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