Free Range?

Guinea pig housing choise

  • Free range in shed

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Inside

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Inside in winter, free ranging in shed in summer

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Maisy and Poppy

Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
I have discussed cages with my parents and I have some choices.:hmm:
The choices are :
Free range in a large, secure shed or
Inside in winter, free range in shed in summer or
Inside permanently:)

Pros and cons ...

Inside permanently
Get more attention
See them more
Piggys get tamer
Piggys are warmer
Piggys are inside:)

Only 120 cage:(

Free range in shed
Lots of room

Piggys are cold :(
Piggys don't get as much attention:(
Piggys aren't inside:(

Inside then outside
Large room to run in Summer:)
Warm in Winter:)

Tiny cage in Summer:(
Not inside in Summer

What can I do to convince my parents to keep them inside all the time?:rtm::ple:
I am so unhappy that they will only have 120 cage if inside at all!:(
Do they really?!........I do nowhere near this..... :/
I don't either but then my piggies are lazy. When I put them out they just sit there like. ....Can I go back in now?

They have a 4foot by 3 foot cage though so its practically a run in itself.
We had our first 2 girls in a 120cm cage, which is fine for 2 piggies. They had run time Wednesday evenings and then on Saturday and Sunday. Absolutely fine for piggies :)

I'd go inside as the option because you get to interact lots more in my opinion
I agree with the above. Since having mine indoors it's been wonderful. I managed to notice Ambers URI very early.

I think it will be hard for me to put them back out in summer. You just get to appreciate their personalities much more indoors.
I don't give my Amber 2-3 hours of run time a day... I think it depends on the pig to be honest.. If you know your pig is really active then okay maybe, but amber just sits there mostly and eats hay, she doesn't run around.. Maybe for like the first minuet. As long as they get floor time at least a few times a week I think its suffice. Also I'm guessing they'll get lap time and cuddles on top of that.
How is a 4 x 2 C&C better? I don't get it. There are 30.48cms in a foot which makes it approx 121cm x 60cm which is the same as a 120 cage, give or take a cm.
I don't give my Amber 2-3 hours of run time a day... I think it depends on the pig to be honest.. If you know your pig is really active then okay maybe, but amber just sits there mostly and eats hay, she doesn't run around.. Maybe for like the first minuet. As long as they get floor time at least a few times a week I think its suffice. Also I'm guessing they'll get lap time and cuddles on top of that.
yeah, that's almost exactly what I do. a few times a week i just let them run about my bedroom for an hour and have them out most days to lie with me in be while i watch tv. Plus, their cage is right beside my bed and I spent 90% of my time in my bedroom when I'm home (obviously for the piggies....not my smart tv & bed) lol so they're constanty getting chatted too, patted & handed snacks on my way back from getting myself snacks lol
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I would have to say inside all the time if you can provide the space, but nothing better than on a warm (but not hot) summers evening letting them have a couple of hours in the garden. Love it when my piggies can enjoy outside free time :)
How is a 4 x 2 C&C better? I don't get it. There are 30.48cms in a foot which makes it approx 121cm x 60cm which is the same as a 120 cage, give or take a cm.

Just to clear this up a little, 4x2 refers to the number of square grids used to construct it, not a measurement in feet! The minimum space of 120cm is absolutely fine for most pairs of piggies. I'm sure my girls would be content in a 100cm, they love to hide in small spaces so much :))
My Amber is in a 100 :). She goes into her hutch which has a run at the bottom in summer.
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